The Trip: Part 1

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As soon as the group were on the open road they could finally enjoy the trip now the turtles didn't have to keep out of sight.  Casey turned up the music and they all started singing along to a ska CD Casey had brought along.  He figured it was just the sort of album they needed for the five and a half hour drive to the farm house.  The further away from the city they drove the more relaxed they all felt.  Even Leo.    

Chompy churred on Raph's shoulder, Even he could feel the atmosphere was different.  The group sang, chatted, Mikey barley shut up about how amazing the farmhouse is to (y/n) until Raph made him by shoving a rag in his mouth.  Much to everyone's relief.  'Ahhhh.....that's better!'  Raph said admiring his work.  He turned to Donnie, 'This was a good idea D.  I think we all needed this.'  Raph said.  Donnie grinned.  'I think your right Raph.  We haven't been out of the city in years.  This'll be good for all of us.'  'Yeah!  last time we really developed our spiritual abilities as much as our physical one's'  Leo said.  'Geez Leo. Clock out already!'  Raph said rolling his eyes.  'Heh nice one Raphy'  Mikey said spitting out the rag Raph had shoved in his mouth.  Leo sighed.  'Why do I bother?'  He grumbled to himself feeling a little unappreciated. 

The group of friends finally arrived at the farm house.  Mikey was the first to jump out the party wagon cheering.  'Heellllloooooo farm house!'  He sang as he skipped towards the O'Neal  home.  Donnie helped (y/n) out of the party wagon.  'Wow!  It's huge!'  (Y/n) said.  'Yeah.'  Donnie agreed.  'It has three floors, there's plenty of space for us all here.'  The group all carried their things to the house.  They all found rooms to sleep in.  Donnie and (y/n) shared one, as did April and Casey.  The other three brothers found their rooms for their stay.  Once all the friends were unpacked, they all went down stairs to eat.  They had arrived quite late, and the drive there was exhausting.  So they all ate a light meal, watched a bit of TV before they decided to hit the sack, and agreed that they would all show (y/n) around properly in the morning.  

Next morning the first one awake was Mikey.  He was so excited to show (y/n) around.  He was almost as bad as a kid at Christmas waiting for his parents to get up.  He fed the chickens, he went to the kitchen and decided to prep for breakfast.  That would keep him busy for a while.  To Mikey's relief his family began to stir not too long after he started prepping the food for breakfast.  Leo was the next one down, after him the next down were April and Casey, finally Donnie, Raph and (y/n).  Mikey served them all their preferred morning drinks.  Over the years he's learnt exactly who likes what and how they like it.  And the others were thankful for it.  Leo had his green tea, and the others their coffee.  (Y/n) and Donnie like their coffee black, with two sugars.  Raph likes his coffee strong, really sweet and lots of cream.  April likes hers milky, and Casey similar to Raph, just not as sweet.  Mikey prefers juice.  This mainly come's from being the cook of the family, his drinks normally gets cold before he gets to enjoy it, so he just has juice now.     While he's at the stove cooking for his family, Mikey thinks on all the places he can show (y/n).  He's so excited.  There was one place he found the last time he was here that he never shared with his brothers.  But the really wants to take (y/n).  He thinks she will enjoy it just as much as he did during their last stay.  

Mikey served up breakfast, everyone thanked him and they all tucked in.  'So whatta you wanna do first (y/n)?'  Mikey asked with a mouthful of food.  (Y/n) shrugged.  'I'm in your hands.  You know this place.  It's up to you guys.'  Everyone fell silent while they thought.  'Hey guy's, don't worry.  We're here for a few days, lets just wing it.'  (Y/n) suggested.  'Sounds good (y/n)'  Leo said.  'Anyone up for sparring after breakfast?'  Leo asked which was met by either a grumble or sigh from his brothers.  Leo slumped into the back of his chair.  'I am!'  (Y/n) said.  She feels like she could do with a little more training after the other night, and the thought of training outside rather than in the sewer has given her an extra spring in her step.  Leo smiled.  'Ok (y/n), your on!'  He said!  (Y/n) smiled and nodded.  And once breakfast was over (y/n) and Leo headed outside.  

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