Getting Stronger

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No ones POV

It had been a few days since (y/n) got the news that Vince had been moved, and after a long chat Detective Lee had reassured her of the level of security of the institution Vince had been placed in.  She felt a lot better after speaking with the Detective.  Her mind was eased, and she began to relax.  

Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months and in those months Vince moved further and further to the back of (y/n)'s mind.  Life continued on.  She was still trying to figure out if she should move in with the turtles permanently like Donnie wants, or to move back to her apartment, which she's pretty sure is what she wants to do.  But every time she tried to talk to Donnie about it, he always managed to convince her she should stay with them.  But she still missed her little place.   It was hers!  She and Donnie could at least get some respite from the hecticness of the Lair.  Some alone time.  She loves all the turtles and Master Splinter but she needed to be in her own place.  Just for a while longer.  She wasn't quite ready to move in with Donnie and his family completely.  Not yet anyway she thought as she looked down at the promise ring on her finger and smiled while rubbing it with her thumb.  She glanced over to the lab from her seat on the sofa trying to think how to tell Donnie what she has decided.  'Maybe I can stay at my place four days a week and here for the other three.  She thought.  'Ugh, I need some fresh air!'  She says to herself pulling out her phone and texting April.

You;  Hey, you free for a coffee?

(Y/n) didn't have to wait long for a response from her best friend.  

A; Hey!  Yeah, i'm free.  You wanna come here?  Or meet at the shop?

You;  I don't mind.

A; Ok!  Well, why don't you come here?  I could use your opinion.  

You;  Ok, i'll be there soon x

(Y/n) stands tucking her phone in her pocket and walks towards the Lab, and peeps round the door.  'Cooeeee.......'  She sang gaining Donnie's attention.  He smiled widely at her.  'Hey. You ok?'  'Yeah, i'm jus gonna head over to April's,  She need's help with something.'  He walks over to her wiping his hands on a rag before planting a kiss on her cheek.  'Ok'  He said smiling.  'Have fun, drop me a message if you want me to come get you later.'  (Y/n) smiles at him.  Since she has become more relaxed so has Donnie.  And she's noticed.  It's a relief.  'I will'  She replies, kissing him back.  'Take your Tanto though, ok?'  She looks over her shoulder at him and smiles 'Roger that!'  She says with a smirk as she grabs her stuff and heads out.  

Once (y/n) is at street level it takes her about five minutes to get to April's place.  She knocks the door and is greeted by April with Arms full of wallpaper samples.  'Uh, April?'  (Y/n) said.  'Whaaaat ya doin?'  'Hey (y/n). Come on in!'  April said opening the door further to let her friend in.  'Your just who I need!'  She said closing the door again.  (Y/n) couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her friend who had managed to get all the samples in her arms across the living room and dropped them all onto the dinner table.  'So, redecorating are we?'  April sighs.  'Yeah, well trying to anyway.  Casey says all my choices are too girly and I think all his choices, are well...... awful.  When it comes to home design he has terrible taste!  We can't come to an agreement on anything!'  She wailed.  'And I can help you how?'  (Y/n) asked.  'Tell me are these too girly!?'  She asked pointing to the paper samples she had laid out.  (Y/n) walked over to the table and looked at them all.  'Well, I can see why Casey might not like them.  They are a bit fluffy.  I couldn't see Casey and Raph chilling out for an evening in a room decorated with these.'  (Y/n) see's April's face fall.  'Awwwwwww..... but I love them all.'  She whined.  'Why can't I be into girls!'  (Y/n) laughed at her friend who was pouting.   'Oh you don't mena that!  No matter how much he bugs you!'  She said as April smiled.  'You just need to find something you both like,  Did Casey find any wall paper he liked?'  'He didn't come with me.  He was too tired from patrolling the city with Raph last night.'  April replied.  'Well then, Casey has no place to complain then.  But maybe you should go together next time?'  The two girls laughed and April made them both a drink.

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