Fighting for Drago

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No ones POV

Elsewhere in Dimension X Bishop was in discussion with the the Utrom High Council.  They were most troubled by the news of the Kraang's latest plot against New York City.  'Donatello currently holds the Drangakon, it has been shrunken by magic, however  with the rejuvenation rate of the creatures cells it will soon be back to it's previous size again.  I regret that we will have to destroy the creature.'  All council members nod in agreement.  'And what are we to do about the DNA the Kraang hold?'  Queen asked.  'I will assist the Turtles in retrieving the DNA and see to it that it is also destroyed.'  Bishop replied.  'No!'  Rook said.  'It should be brought back here to Dimension X to be studied before it is destroyed.'  Bishop looked at Rook and nodded.  'Very well.'  Bishop agreed.  'I will endeavor to collect the DNA and deliver it here.' 

'We will send a team of soldiers with you and with the help of the Turtles and the EPF you will infiltrate the Kraang base and collect the Drangakon DNA and also the creature Donatello has in his care.'   Queen declared.   Bishop nodded in agreement and left to make the necessary arrangements.  

Back on earth in the lair the Turtles were all emerging from their rooms each making their way towards the kitchen for Breakfast.  'Hey, where's Donnie and (y/n)?'  Mikey asked.  '(Y/n) stayed at her apartment las night.'  Raph answered stretching his arms above his head.  'Oh?'  Leo said.  'Did they have an argument or something?'  He questioned.  Raph shook his head, 'Nah, she's jus worried about stayin away from her apartment for too long is all.'  Raph said.  'So where IS Donnie?'  Mikey asked.  'No idea.'  Raph said taking a bite of his eggs.  Mikey went to check Donnie's room and the lab.  'He isn't here dudes!'  Mikey called.  'That's it!  I'm calling him.'  Leo said pulling his T Phone from his belt.  

Donnie's POV

'Ugh what's that noise!?'  I thought as I was pulled from my sleep.  My eyes flicker open as I search for the source of the noise.  As I come to I realise it's my phone.  I remember leaving it on the bedside table.  I reach over feebly feeling abound for it.  My hand eventually rests on it and I answer the call.  'D, where ARE you!?'  I hold my T Phone away from my ear.  'Ugh Leo, no need to shout man!'  I grunt.  'WELL!?'  'Chill Leo, i'm at (y/n)'s'.  There's silence for a second.  'And you didn't think to tell anyone!?'  I sit up a bit.  'What do you mean Leo!?  I told Mikey as I was leaving!'  Then I realised what I had said.  'Right, I told Mikey whilst he was playing video games'  I face palmed.  I should have known better.  'Sorry Leo, I was in a rush.  I thought Mikey had heard me.  But I should have known better! I'm sorry I worried you.'  I hear my brother sigh,  'No worries D, as long as your safe.  I'll see ya when you get back!' 

I check the time 07.30am.  I  slam my phone down and turn to face (y/n) hoping I hadn't woken her. She stirred a little as I turned but she was still asleep.  I rested my head on my arm and watched her for a bit.  'She looks so peaceful.'   I feel my heart swell again.  I can't take my eyes off her.  I'm not sure how long I was laid looking at her thinking about all the adventures that are waiting for us in the future.  When I was pulled from my thoughts by a knock at (y/n)'s apartment door.  I froze and looked towards the lounge area.  Another knock.  This caused (y/n) to wake up.  'Uh, w-who's banging!'  She grumbled.  'There's someone at your door.'  I whisper to her.  'Oh gods!!  COMING!!'  She calls out.  She scrambles over me, grabs her gown and throws it around herself, she almost falls over my pads that we carelessly discarded the previous night.  'Babe, do you need to answer it?'  'At this time in the morning!? It could be an emergency!' She says over her shoulder.  

I jump up at her saying that, I close her bedroom door and hide behind it, keeping open just a crack.  I watch through the crack as she reached the door and opens it.  My eyes widen when I see whos on the other side.  Some guy.  He's about an inch shorter than (y/n) with brown hair and glasses, i'd guess he's our age-ish.  He's wearing a light blue shirt and brown trousers.  I frown.  Why would he be knocking (y/n)'s door at this time in the morning!?  I wonder.  

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