The D.A.

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Three days.

It took three days for Elliot to find out what happened at the courthouse.

Three days of calling and texting Fin. Three days of asking Olivia to tell him the truth. Fin wouldn't budge, he said it was up to Olivia to tell him and that's when Elliot knew something did happen. He kept asking, and she finally caved on the night of the third day.

"Why would you not tell me?" He asked and followed her to the kitchen.

"Because it wasn't serious. I'm fine." She sighed and leaned on the island.

"Liv, that's not good. He got to you that easy, what if he does it again? You need to press charges."

"Elliot, I said no. How many times do I have to say it?" She asked, getting louder.

"What happens next time? What happens when no one is there to stop it?" He asked back and stood across from her.

"What the hell does that mean? You think I can't protect myself?" She was mad now. Mad that he even thought that about her. Like she was a child and needed someone to protect her at all times. And he said it to her face.

"Liv, I'm saying that if Fin hadn't came, what would've happened?" He asked her and shook his head. "Maybe it would be better if I don't go back to work so soon."

"What?" Olivia's eyes grew big with anger as she stared at him. "You think I need you here to protect me? If you aren't here, oh no! I guess I'll just die." She mocked him loudly.

"Olivia, that is not what I meant. I'm just saying maybe someone should be here to make sure you're okay."

"Elliot I don't need a fucking babysitter! I'm not a child and I can take care of myself. Me and Noah are perfectly fine without you watching us." She spat.

"Oh yeah? What happens when he tries to rape you again? Hmm? You can't fight him off. What happens if he tries to hurt Noah after he hurts you. You won't be able to stop him." Elliot spat back.

"Fuck you. Fuck you! We don't need you." She yelled as tears fell onto her cheeks. "We are fine without you. We don't need you! You think I'm this helpless victim that needs saving and I'm not! You don't think I can take care of myself! You don't think I can take care of Noah! Well I can."

"Liv, stop. Please, just stop." He sighed and ran his hand over his face. "You're making this into an argument when it shouldn't be."

"I'm making it into an argument? Of course I am!" She smiled and shook her head. Stopping when she heard Noah start to cry from his crib. "Go to work tomorrow and stay all day. I don't care. We don't need you. Go help some other girl you label her a victim."

Elliot sighed and watched her walk into Noah's room. Shutting the door behind her so he wouldn't follow. He walked over and sat at the bar with his head in his hands. He knew she was going through a lot and that he probably shouldn't have said everything he said, but he needed her to understand. He needed her to put an end to this so it could stop.

After a couple of hours, he decided he had given her enough time to calm down so he could apologize. He quietly walked in Noah's room and saw her sleeping in the rocking chair that she moved right beside the crib. Noah was fast asleep in his crib. Her body didn't look comfortable in the slightest as she slept quietly.

Elliot carefully picked her up and carried her to their bedroom. She opened her eyes lazily and looked up at him and he knew she wasn't fully awake and she wouldn't remember this. "Go back to sleep. You're okay." He whispered and watched her eyes close as he walked to the bed. Pulling the covers back, he laid her down on her side before pulling the covers over her body.

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