Uncovering the Truth

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Fin walked through his office doors at the precinct and sat down for the first time in hours. He had just finished locking Richard up and got off of a call with Kat when his phone rang again.

"Sergeant, CSU is still here scanning the barn and going through the house." Carisi said.

"Okay, what did have they found at the barn so far?"

"They said three bodies. Digging them up now. Two of them look like adults but the last one is smaller then the others, they think it's a child but they won't know until they get the body to Melinda."

"Okay. Tell her to give me a call when shes got something for us."

He hung up the phone and sighed. Never did he ever think it would be this bad. His coworker, his friend, being hurt by so many men. Stuck in a cycle of being abused by men with power. Power to get out of trouble. Power to run away. Power to come across as innocent and harmless.

He hated it.

They were only getting deeper and deeper into their cruel cycle of abusing women and using them however they pleased.

He needed to stop it. Even if it was only this one trafficking ring, he was determined to put a end to it.


There was a knock at the door. Disturbing the otherwise quiet room where Olivia and Elliot were.

She knew exactly who it was, and she wasn't ready to face him. She wasn't ready to have him in the same room as her again with Elliot being the only protection she had. The only thing stopping the DA from raping her.

Watching Elliot open the door, she could feel her heart beating out of her chest. The sound of it beating was playing loudly in her ears and time seemed to be moving slow. Until he walked in.

"Good morning Mr. Stabler." he greeted and gave a quick glance at Olivia.

"You know, I don't think I ever caught your name." Elliot admitted.

"Of course! I'm so sorry. I'm District Attorney William Davidson." he laughed and shook Elliot's hand before walking in, letting Elliot close the door after him. "Will you be staying with us as we discuss her case, Mr. Stabler?"

"Yeah I'm gonna sit in here and listen to what's going on."

"Okay. Let's get started, Ms. Benson." DA Davidson said as he sat in front of her and faced away from Elliot. The moment he sat down and opened his briefcase, he looked up at Olivia, acting as if he was still digging through his briefcase for something, and stared her down. Angry about what had happened last night and what was happening now.

"As we went over yesterday, Ms. Benson," he cleared his throat and closed his briefcase. "this is a top priority case and we want to avoid making it any longer or harder then it has to be. With that being said, the deal is still open and on the table."

"I don't want it." Olivia said fast.

"Um, what were the conditions of the deal again?" Elliot asked and stepped closer to them.

"She would avoid any possible charges that could come up from Ernesto's murder, avoid trial, but have to write a statement of some of the men who hurt her so charges could be brought against them."

"Liv," Elliot waited and made sure she was looking at him. "that's a good deal, why don't you take it?"

"No. I'm not taking it."

"Ms. Benson-" William started but was cut off by Olivia.

"No! I don't want it and I'm not taking it. Leave me alone." she said and turned on her side, covering herself with the sheets.

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