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"That bastard." He stormed out the room and right to his truck. He didn't stop until he got to the precinct.

"Where the hell is he? Where is the sick fuck!" He yelled.

"Stabler! What the hell do you think you're doing? Who are you looking for?" Cragen demanded.

By now everyone was looking. All the focus shifted onto him and he couldn't care less. He was so full of rage at that moment that he could kill him and still be pissed.

"Where the hell is Brian."

"He said he had to go undercover for his department. Why?"

"He's one of the sick bastards. Give me his address or wherever the hell he's staying. I'll beat the living shit out of him!"

"Hey, hey, what is going on? What could he have done? He helped us with the case remember." Amanda joined in.

"No duh! Liv, just said he was one of the men who hurt her. He raped her cap. He lied to our faces, helped with the case, and the whole time he was one of the people raping her." His rage was quickly turning into sadness. A deep sadness.

"Are you sure she isn't talking about when they we're dating?" Cragen questioned

"Yes! How the hell would the-" he stopped knowing Liv wouldn't want everyone to know and lowered his voice so only Cragen could hear "the baby have a chance of being his if it happened that long ago. She's showing but we don't know how far along she is, Cap. He fucking raped her!"

"She's pregnant? Oh my god." Cragen gasped shaking his head. "No, she can't be. That's not even fair to her. She- she-" Cragen cleared his throat "How did she respond to finding that out?"

"She freaked. She threw everything in the hospital room. Flipped stuff over, broke stuff...she completely broke down. I can't blame her- I almost did the same thing." Elliot ran his hand down his face and sniffled "What are we going to do? You know how bad this is. And the sick fuck- oh my god!" He let his head fall to the side.

"Ok, Elliot, go to the cribs and try to calm yourself because you need to go back to Liv. She needs you. She needs to know you aren't mad at her." He said in a low voice then looked around the room "Fin and Amaro, go to Brian's department and find out where he is. Tell him Liv's in the hospital and she's not talking- we need his help down here."

"Cap, wait. I still don't know how they knew where we were. I can promise you no one followed us from Melinda's to the hospital or to the rehab center."

"Are you sure? They're skilled, Elliot, and they seem to have a lot of people working with them. Now go to the cribs until you're decent."


"El?" Amanda called out into the cribs

The sound of a locker being punched could be heard in the hallways. When Amanda closed the door behind her she saw Elliot attacking the lockers with bloodied fists. Tears ran down his red face, his sleeves were rolled up, and he was breathing heavy.

"Hey, I heard what happened. Punching lockers isn't going to fix it, El." She said approaching him.

He sat down on one of the beds and let his head fall in his hands. The blood was dripping down his arms as the tears fell into his hands. She sat next to him and rubbed his back.

The Beast's RageWhere stories live. Discover now