Ch. 50: Dessert

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"Give it to me!"

"Not unless you beg!" Michael snickered.

"I'm not going to beg," I snorted, but kept my eyes on what he was holding in his hand.

"Oh, well. Too bad for you, because then there's..."

"GIVE IT TO ME!" I yelled, before I decided to take matters in my own hands. But since he kept me at arm's length, it was easier said than done. So I did what I had to do, and straddled him.

"You said it was mine!" I whined, and tried to grab it from him.

"But that was before I found out how much fun it was to steal it from you," he laughed and tried his best to fight me, but finally I had the upper hand.

"Give! Me! My! Ice! Cream!" I demanded in between fits of laughter. Then I screamed when he tickled me. Then I screamed again when he wiped sticky, melting ice-cream over my cheek.

Yes. That's right. When Michael told me he had a surprise, he obviously meant an ice-cream fight. Although it probably wasn't meant to be one at first, it sure turned into one when he decided to play Russian roulette with my will to share chocolate.

"MICHAEL!" I gasped and grabbed his wrist with both hands.

"That's a good girl. Scream my name," he egged in a very suggestive manner, but I was too busy trying to snatch the box of the most delicious chocolate ice-cream ever made. He told me he bought it just for me, yet he took it right out of my hands, claiming that he was jealous of the attention I gave it. Like, seriously?

"Give me my ice-cream and I'll let you live!" I grumbled, but I just couldn't stop laughing long enough to sound especially scary. I just kept writhing around on his lap, which randomly made him groan a little.

"Oh, you gotta do better than that, Mia. Beg!"


"Well, then..."

I gasped again when another spoonful of ice-cream landed on my chest. Then I whined and tried to wipe it away before it melted and dripped down my cleavage. I didn't care that some of it landed on the floor.

"I'm gonna kill you in your sleep," I threatened, but ended up laughing harder instead. Then I got an idea and decided to change tactics.

"Or I'll do completely different things."

I sat back, satisfied with having his fullest attention.

"Like what?" he asked suspiciously. I was pretty sure he knew I was up to something, but I played my innocent card well.

"Oh, you know..."

I stuck my finger in between my teeth and bit gently.

"Things that might involve..."

Michael swallowed hard and studied me with cautious eyes. His laughter was gone, but his smile wasn't, and he looked so darn cute with a tiny ice-cream stain on the side of his mouth. It made me want to lick it off. But I did something similar instead. I kissed him.

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