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Ridhi stood up straight and was about to walk back to her home, when she saw a car near the exit. It was a familiar one.

She was frustrated, she had no time for that. She wanted to be accepted for being herself, there was no point if it wasn't her true self. But she couldn't talk about it to anyone. She missed her best friend, she was conflicted about her relationship when she saw a husband helping his pregnant wife out of an auto. She wanted Adarsh but herself too.

She walked straight to her house, she had a lot on her mind. On her way, she stopped at the beach, she sat down in front if it. She drew a random circle with her finger on the sand, in the dim lights far way from the waves.

"Can we actually be together? What if we are being immature? We don't have anything in common!"

"Adarsh wasn't innocent, he just wanted space away from his family. What if... we didn't love each other? what if it was just us using each other...for needs?"

"For... attention, for affection and for sex.... Are we really in love?"

The sea breeze flew her hair away from her shoulders, she sat there sobbing, "I can't live the way I want, I can't die... what am I doing!?"

"I do miss Prajwal...will i miss Adarsh too? I love Adarsh, but changing myself for people is too much, isn't it? If he actually cared about me, he would have actually tried to convince his mother to accept me for the way I am!"

"I'm putting myself before it my selfishness? Or ego? Or needs?"

She thought and over thought for the next two hours in the cold air with a thin jacket on, she returned home when almost 11. She locked it up and fell on her couch.

The next morning, she called to his phone, he surprisingly picked it up.

"Hello?" She asked, her voice was hoarse from crying the whole night. 

"Hi.." Adarsh Whispered.

"Are you fine? Do you need me to come?"

"Its okay... just a small tear in my neck tissue a d some scars.. I'm sorry I worried you.."

"Shut up..I wish I could visit you...but your parents might drop in any moment..."

"Actually they halted here last they actually went home to freshen up..."

" did it happen?"

"I was driving, and suddenly I saw a car stand against me. I tried to take a reverse, thinking I was blocking their way...but before I knew they purposely crashed into me..."


"I guess... don't tell my parents was a big black car and there were two people in it..I couldn't see the number due to the lights.. "

"Take rest.." Ridhi cut the call and sat on her couch. "What kind of bastards are they!?those fucking assholes!" She immediately went to the spot of accident, his car was towed away but she patted looking for a CCTV camera.

Suddenly, someone held her from the back, as she looked into a small shop. She swiftly jabbed her elbow against his stomach and then picked him with his hand up and dropped him in front of her. She was shocked when she saw, Chotu, her junior from her previous gang.

"Chotu!? Did you try to attack me!?"

"I'm sorry Akka..I had was Boss's orders." He told as he sobbed slowly.

"Wait. So this accident...was it you all!?? ANSWER ME! WAS IT YOU?!!" She shouted.

He slowly shook her head.

She dragged him to their meetup place, a little away from there, she saw the same car parked, she went and stood in front of her ex-Boss. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!? DID YOU TRY TO KILL HIM!!" she told as she threw a brick at their door.

"This bitch..." he came out with a cigarette in his mouth. "Did you really think I would let you be happy after you killing Prajwal?"

"Please!.." Ridhi started to cry. "I beg youu..." her voice weakened as she broke down in front of him and fell to the ground. She hated herself for crying too much.

"Let me live.... I don't even know who I am...what am I? who killed her own lover... who can't even promise a safe future to her boyfriend... who ran away from her parents... please leave me alone...."

Her boss wanted to see her trembling, but when she actually did... his heart ached. He realised wasnt what he wanted... he jumped to the flashback of their days...when he used to like her.

He was jealous of Prajwal, but Prajwal was like a younger brother to him...he didn't want to compete with him over a girl...
He crushed his cigarette and slowly went near her and helped her stand up holding her shoulders.

"Don't show your face to me anymore...I won't create a scene where you will have to contact me..." he told and made his way back into the shed. His eyes almost had teared up, he hated to see the girl whom he had once truly liked.

She slowly walked out of that place, when Chotu came and fell on his feet to her. "I'm so sorry Akka... I never meant to hurt you.."

"Its okay..." she wiped her tears. "Get yourself a proper job... eat well.. don't regret.." she patted his head and walked back to her house.

She didn't contact Adarsh the entire day neither did Adarsh tried to contact her. She had too much on her plate, she wanted to leave everything and start a new life, with a proper job, and proper people.

She suddenly packed her bag, but she realized, she couldn't leave. Her heart ached, she had people she had committed to, she was in utter dismay not was her bank balance in favor of it.


A/n: An update almost after a month lol. Here's a small filler chapter for what's going to happen in future.

Do you think what Adarsh Is doing to Ridhi is right? Why?

Word count: 1048

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