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3rd Person's POV:

Ayaan slowly drove the car towards his villa, making sure that Avani didn't wake up from her deep slumber. He heard her snoring quietly.

As they reached the villa, Ayaan stopped his car. Waiting for Avani to wake up, he stared at her, at her face that was covered up by her messy hair as her head was swinging in her sleep. He could tell that she was in a deep sleep.

Ayaan very quietly and soft tucked a strand of hair that was on her face and clipped it. Now he could clearly see her face.
Her face was free of makeup, not even a lip balm. Although she had eye bags underneath her eyes, it didn't bother to disturb her beauty.

Ayaan removed his seat belt, walked out of the car and opened her door. He gently lifted her up and he did so, the purse on her lap fell down. At that very moment, Dev drove into his parking lot. "Dev, pick this up and bring it in with that suitcase." He told him as he walked out of his car. "Yeah sure, that's what errand boys are for!" He told sarcastically.

Ayaan laughed as he was lost looking at Avani who slept in his arms so comfortably. He lifted her into his house and into the living room. Deep and Sanch's jaw dropped as they saw AK carrying her. They were full of questions.

AK's injured hand did pain but he was totally okay with it. The maiden ran to him,  "Who is she? And you just hurt your hand. How can you lift her so carelessly?" She asked anxiously. "Its okay Aunty. It doesn't hurt much. Please prepare a guest room for her... until then, she will be in my room." He told as he left to his room with a smile.
The maiden was worried about his hand.

Ayaan carried Avani into his room her and placed her delicately on his bed. He covered her with a blanket and saw her sleep peacefully. He stared at her- at her round eyes, small nose, plump lips. He brought his face her her face and gave her a soft peck on her lips as she laid there asleep. He couldn't control himself. His heart beat escalated. He couldn't stop smiling.

Anshu walked into AK's room and saw him kissing her. "You even brought someone home to play with her?" He told. He knew Ayaan was too much of a play boy but he didn't know he would bring anyone to the villa where every one of his band are present.

"I am not playing! I...probably like her." He told to him softly trying to maintain silence. "Whatever! Just close your door." Told Anshu as he left to his room that was infront to AK's room.

Avani woke up at about 5:30 in the evening. She woke up in an unknown room which had way too expensive bed and many other things.

Avani started to panic and flashes of her past started to ignite her panic. She took deep breaths to calm down. While doing to she looked at the portrait which was hanging on the wall. Ayaan was holding his trophy with a huge smile on his face. She then remembered that she had come with Ayaan to his villa and had dozed off in her car while singing a song.

She walked around the big room, looking for her luggage which was kept next to a cupboard; little did she know it was his cupboard.

She wanted to change her dress, she had to go check on Ridhi a long time ago. She was late. She quickly lifted her top and started to mutter a song while throwing her t-shirt in a corner. 

Ayaan suddenly barged into the room and saw her dancing and singing softly. His eyes became as wide as golf ball when he saw a shirtless Avani. Her body did wonders to him.

Avani let out a loud squeal and started to run around the room looking for her t-shirt, which she had thrown.

The top had fallen near his shoes. Avani was way too email and panicked that she didn't see the small carpet. She started to run towards him to take her t-shirt to cover herself. Avani had completely forgotten about the duvet which was beside her.

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