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Be ready for the surprise!!!!!

We meet again!


I adjusted myself in my seat uncomfortably as I bent my face down. I didn't dare talk to any man. I waited for him to talk first.
“You must know me…I sure am famous you know...” he said with a funny smirk in his lips.

“Who…are you? Do I know you?” I asked hesitantly. He did look familiar but I couldn’t guess him. He kept his hands on the table and leaned forward and brought his face near me. “How do you not know me? Are you from a village without network?” he said in a low voice.

“Ah…. sorry….I don’t recognise you.” I said as I leaned back to bet away from him and to disconnect our eye contact. Just then two girls came near our table talking to themselves.

“Look it really is AK. Oh my!!!” said one as she freaked. “It’s really him. I can’t believe this. Can I please have a selfie with you? I am a big fan.” Said another all excited.

That’s when I realised, he was AK aka Ayaan Kashyap from the band ‘The Fine Nine’. I had listened to some of their songs but I wasn’t really a fan or anything. I saw the three of them smile as he took selfies from his right hand. His left has the one with bandage.

The girls soon left after thanking him and my food arrived by the time. AK called the waiter who was just going back after he served my plate. “I’ll have the same thing as the lady here.” He shouted to the waiter from his seat even before he approached him.

His loud voice brought everyone’s attention towards us. I felt uncomfortable. But thankfully there was only one family except us in the hotel. I tucked my head into my coat. "Be quite!" I told him whispering.

"What's your name?" He asked me as he waited for his food. "Why.....why for you ask?" I asked as I blinked my eyes real fast and lifted my head a little to see his expression. But making any eye contact with gave me a real hard time. He was looking at me and eating his food while his eyes were shining with amusement looking at me- squirming like a constipated chicken.

"Wow! Look at this girl right here. The whole country's girls are dying for me and you are ignoring my talk. You sure are interesting." He said as he continued to stare at me trying really hard to make me look at him. His eyes followed my face which bent down again.

"Why do you want to talk to me?" I asked a little boldly this time. But as I told that, I gulped clumsily in nervousness. I choked hard on it while I was chewing my food. I patted my head and bent down again because of being embarrassed in front of him. My face started heating up as I saw from the corner of my eyes, his lips curl into an amused smirk.

He let out a breathy chuckle he saw me with my clumsy act. He kept aside the piece of Roti which was in his hand and started straight through my eyes with a blank face,"I am bored. I just wanted to eat food and I saw you here. I recognized you immediately. So I was like why eat alone?" He said as he picked up the roti and continued to eat. He asked me to pass some salt. I hesitantly passed it to him and he took the opportunity to hold my hand. I flinched back totally and stood up at once abruptly and another button on my jacket went flying in the air.

"Oh my! You must be from a really conservative family. Or are you married?" He asked startled by my reaction.

"No toe ring or mangalsutra- you aren't married. No ring in you hand- you aren't engaged either. Your hair not combed properly and your jacket that still has the thread of your lost button hanging in there shows you aren't dating. Single to core, aren't you?" He asked as he smiled to himself. But, when and how did he notice all those small details in such a short period!?

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