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3rd person's POV:

Avani woke up at around 7:30, after a nice sleep on her keyboard which had typed, " jshgwejgdayaanks vskacshdbekqlqpov rj....." for her.

Meanwhile at the hospital, Adarsh was uncomfortable to take his rounds at the ICU wards.

Ridhi laid in her bed, reading some fashion magazines waiting for him to come as he always came at around 7 once to check on her. what's taking him so long? She wondered as she went through the last few pages of her 3rd magazine.

A nurse showed up; she closed the magazine thinking it was Adarsh, she was only disappointed.

"Are you feeling any pain, anywhere?" She asked as she brought my medicines in a tray.

"No...not really"

"That's good. Actually the Dr.Aadarsh can't seem to come today. So he told me to check on you. And you will also be transferred to regular wards tomorrow, and you can start walking too." She said with a smile.

She gave Ridhi her pills, and checked on some of the packets of liquids that was attached to her hand.

Ridhi was upset,"Is he not well or something?" She asked with a little concern in her sharp eyes, her voice was much softer than she normally speaks.

"Yes...." Said the nurse as she became a little hesitant.

Ridhi didn't want to eat her food but as it as she was on medication- she didn't heat it! She ate the cold hard rice protesting to herself; she knew the nurse had been lying.

She tossed and turned in her bed, she even tried to think about her favourite songs but her mind and thoughts were filled with Adarsh and his smile. His absence just for few hours bothered her a lot.

She went to sleep on her bed in a bad mood. While hugging the bottle Which was given by him. Yes, she didn't just throw it away. It was kept safely with her. Because it was given by Her Adarsh.

While, Adarsh was completely shocked and confused about Ridhi's confession abhor him to Avani. According to him, he was just a normal doctor who does his job and he was definitely not a match to Ridhi's character. Adarsh was a simple guy, introvert, with a very good character and a soft heart. Whereas Ridhi was a total badass and also a complete extrovert, She was very beautiful according to him.

Adarsh always found her reddish brown hair very beautiful and pretty which completely matches her personality. Although he has started to catch feelings for her, he is still very insecure about himself.

Adarsh fell asleep on his couch in his office room in the hospital thinking about Ridhi. He totally forgot to call his parents to inform about not coming to house at night.

The next morning-

Ayaan from his villa again bent from his window to see Avani through her window with tea in his hand. He pretended to see the sea but took a peek into her room but only found it shut.

On the other hand, Avani packed all her stuff into the bag and left Udupi with her car.

Adarsh, at 9, still not cool about what he heard from Ridhi, was planning on taking the day off. He couldn't face her. He thought he would just humiliate himself by panicking.

Adarsh was never the guy who was very confident about himself. Yes, Adarsh was a very successful surgeon in the town and also had become the youngest best surgeon in the state. He also has won some prizes for his records. But he never bragged about himself and he never confronted the media. He was just too shy and nervous to do all those public gatherings. But, when it comes to love life he was completely dumb and agitated.

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