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3rd Person's POV:

Ayaan, after loosing his focus and listening to Aunty, decided to just go for it insofar denying it. He got up from the sofa and walked straight to Avani's house. He had become restless after Avani left his house. He felt like a part of him was ripped away from him.

Ayaan went to the door, there were no lights on in any window. He rang the bell twice and waited with hope. He then banged the door. Just then he heard her car from behind. Avani shut the car door and walked out with two grocery bags in her hand. She was surprised to see Ayaan standing in front of the house, waiting for her. Ayaan was looking at her itself as if she was an eye candy.

"Mr.Kashyap, what are you doing here?" She asked as she walked through the gate. She was actually surprised seeing him.
Ugh I didn't even ask myself why I came here....what do I tell her. He thought
"Ahh...that is....I had something to tell you." He told a little nervously. What on earth is that something? Oh right! The charity event...I'll just tell her that.
He became confident now that he got a reason. "Why don't we go inside and talk?" He asked. She smiled and opened the door for him.

Avani went in and heard the same noises from the back of the sofa again. She slowly kept her bags down not to make noise. Ayaan looked around the house as to where the sound was coming from.

"Don't worry, it's just a cat. It's the same cat that came across our car that day, see it has that same yellow belt." She took him silently to the back of the sofa and showed him the cat which was scratching the sofa with its sharp claws. It ran out as soon as it saw Ayaan staring at it. Ohh! Even the cat also gets intimidated by Ayaan. Thank god it wasn't just me. Although he looks so tall and intimidating, there's something about him that makes me lov- like about him. Yeah like a celebrity? I guess. She thought.

She broke into a small laugh."I guess it is scared of you" she covered her mouth as she smiled. He saw the cat running away as he gave an awkward smile. He didn't know what to do. He was just admiring Avani's smile and laughter.

"Sit down. I'll get you something to drink. I just came back from the grocery. What would you like? Juice or coffee? Or tea?" She asked as she took the grocery bags into the kitchen. "Juice." He told as he sat down comfortably. He covered almost the half of the couch. He looked a bit too large for their small size couch. She again giggled after looking at him. He just looked at her with pure confusion. He didn't know the reason she's giggling and laughing for.

She brought him a glass of juice and herself a packet of chips and sat on the other couch."So what brings you here?" She asked as she started munching her chips.

"Actually, I have a charity event 2 days from today. And I am allowed to bring a partner with me. So I was wondering if you were interested..." he told as he leaned forward curiously to know her answer.

"But why me?" She asked surprised.

"No reason." He told. "Why? You don't want to?"

"I can...but I can't leave Ridhi in the hospital...Ridhi is the friend I mentioned."
Avani told as she looked at the calendar on the wall. She was actually excited and nervous but she didn't show that on her face.

"I'll send food to her through my manager." He said as he sipped on his juice.

"At what time?"

"5-8:30. It includes dinner."

"Is there a dress code?"

"A saree will work."

"Ohhh... saree..... WAIT WHAAAAT?? I didn't pack any though.." she freaked out for a minute.

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