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Encounter of a new fate- 2

One week ago.

Location: In an abandoned oil factory near the shores of Mangalore.


"Aren't you going to settle with three lakhs (around four thousand US dollars). How dare you ask for more? Huh?". I asked in a low pitch.

"We cannot join you to kill that damn police officer who takes bribes just for three lakhs.  Get us give lakhs!"

"What the fu*k!" I knew that the two groups could never be in terms with each other.

As the right hand of my Mafia, I just had to bring different other groups to work with us for money in return. We had quite an interesting job. We would set out as spies into different Police station, find evidences of them having illegal practices and blackmail them for money. If they didn't give us money, we would just kill them.

It's been three years since I got promoted as the right hand and since then I've fought quite less. The boys just finished the smacking, kicking, stabbing and hitting work.

But now seeing that our proposal is not getting accepted, I was out raged. I got off my chair, kicked it with my leg and turned my neck left and right in order to fight again.

The logic is simple, 'When a pen doesn't work, a sword always works'. You may not really agree, but it all comes to be true in the underworld.

As I got off my chair, the boys around me immediately understood and got ready for a dual. I pulled out my knife from my pocket....

And within three seconds, we all behaved like uneducated idiots. I punched the people who came to attack me. I kicked many of them too. I didn't really use my knife. I had skills.

In the middle of a chaotic situation, we heard the sound of siren. We all at once, realized that it was the police. But how could they have found us in this small, dark, old factory of oil.

We all started to run away, I was the second last person to get out. I always let my juniors escape first. I could hear the footsteps of armed policemen who where trying to chase us from a distance.

As I got out of the exit door,I tripped due to an iron rod that laid in my way. That made me late; I was the last one to make it out, I couldn't run as I sprained my ankle due to the fall.

As I tried to get up, someone tapped my back in the manner of calling me. I turned my face towards the person and before I realized I was punched in my face badly. I fell back to the ground in my hands. I tried to look up again and recognise the face immediately. It was an officer who had tried to molest a girl while on duty and whom I had caught with proof. I had bribed the watchman for the CCTV camera's footage and had blackmailed him for a lot of money.

He wasn't catching me because he was a. Police officer but he wanted to catch me just for revenge.

I lay on the ground trying to get up, panting. The other police officers came out through the exit and started to chase the already escaped members. Sadly, noone saw him hut me.

As all the police officer left the scene following others, we were left in the same scenario.

I, still on the ground, trying to get up and him stating at me with his angry face. He pulled me up by my hair and before I know I was stabbed in my abdomen with my own knife which I dropped when I stumbled.

It was night time and the land breeze from the shore hit my face which was getting pale. I was getting unconscious as I saw hit angry face change into a wicked smile.

Not all the members were caught by the other policemen, those who were caught; were only the other gang members, the same people who were making a seal with us. They were all dragged with cuffs in their hands as they returned in the same path, they saw me bleeding.

The officer who stabbed me started acting up like he cared and told the others to call for an ambulance. Such a bastard, such a lair.

I dispiced him but I dispiced myself more for being so goddamn weak. With that in my mind I felt completely unconscious.

When I woke up, I felt really weak, and a nurse by my bedside was delighted as she saw my open eyes. And my head was hurting like a bitch.

"How are you feeling miss? Please don't sleep again. I will call your doctor for you". As she said this she ran out of the room. The word 'doctor' made me realize that I was in a hospital.

I felt sleepy again, my eyes rushed to close. The nurse returned and woke me up again. A doctor who was very cute, held my face to check for temperature. It was the first time in five years that my heart went thud. "You....You..are cute" I blurted as I fell asleep.


Did you like how bold and straight forward our Ridhi is?
I too wish I could be as blunt as her!

And also we are sorry for publishing the story late as we are coping with our online classes too.

So did you like this chapter? Hmm. I can smell some romance cooking up.

Please do vote and comment for the chapters and feel free to correct our mistakes. :)

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