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A/n: we suggest you to use earphones for best experience.

After 4 days,

"Adarsh, where are you? The taxi is here." Ridhi shouted standing outside the house next to the taxi.

"Yeah I was checking the windows and gas." Adarsh came put and locked the door.

"Come fast." Ridhi told as she sat in. Adarsh joined her. "1, 2, 3, 4. All the luggage are here. We didn't miss out any." Adarsh counted the no of luggage they were being loaded into the trunk. He looked like the typical Indian dad who who is way too cautious of the luggages than any other family members. She laughed at her own thoughts.

"You have counted it 4 times. Come." Ridhi called to him. He and the driver came and sat in.

"I forgot to ask you, what did you tell at your house?" Ridhi asked him.
"I told them that I was going to the wedding of my ex-colleague." He told as he checked for his wallet and ticket.

"Okaaay! Let's go." Ridhi told as they left for airport.

They got out of the car and checked in. They clicked some pictures in the airport to kill time, and after 1 hour they finally sat in the flight. "Oo...its our first time out somewhere.. " Adarsh told told with a blush smile. "Yes it is.." She told as she held his hand and interlocked it.

And soon, after around 2 hrs, they reached Kethri. Ridhi didn't want to meet her mother and brothers as soon as she reached, they decided to stay at a lodge for the time being.

Adarsh went and booked 2 rooms and helped Ridhi with the luggage. He gave her the key of her room. "You booked two different rooms?" Ridhi asked.

"Hm yes.." Adarsh said, not quite understanding what she meant.

She smiled and continued walking towards her room.

It was early evening. "Do you want to look around?" Ridhi asked Adarsh. "There are many historical places around. Do you want to see Khetri Fort? Its pretty."

"Why not? Let's go.." Adarsh told interested.

"Its in Jhunjhunu...if we leave in an hour, we will reach by 5:30. Let's sleep for some time freshen up and meet in the lobby at 4:15."

"Okay." Adarsh told and saw Ridhi into her room.
Ridhi went and changed and immediately slept with AC on.

Adarsh couldn't sleep in the new environment, he just tossed around, read some magazines and saw tv for some time. Soon it was 4. Adarsh got dresses and went to the lobby.

It was now 4:30 but Ridhi didn't seem to turn up. He decided to call her and the call went through.

"Hello? Ridhi? Did you get down yet?" He asked softly trying not to break the silence in there.

"Hmm? What time is it?" Ridhi said in a sloppy voice.

"You were sleeping? I am so sorry, let's go tomorrow okay?" He asked her.

She shot up and sat. "Oh shit! I forgot!" Ridhi shouted.

"Its okay.. go back to sleep." Adarsh told as he chuckled. "I'll sleep as well. I am tired too."

"I am so sorry Adarsh...I slept off..." Ridhi told as she slapped her forehead.

"Its fine.." Adarsh went back to his room and changed his clothes. He sat there and watching  TV. Soon it was night and Ridhi called him. "What about dinner? Come on."

They went to a local dhaaba for food. Ridhi introduced Rajasthani specials like laal maas and papad ki sabji to Adarsh who enjoyed it with tears in his eyes due to his weak spice tolerance. They got back to lobby and wished each other a good night. They got into their rooms.

Hearts And Puzzles Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora