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Avani and Ayaan were now in New Zealand, it had been 4 days since they left India. The past three days had been busy for Ayaan who had to club his business meeting with his honeymoon.

The stayed in an amazing 7 star hotel, with a beach view from their room. It was completely ventilated from the breeze of the sea, and light of the bright sun during the day time. And the cozy lights in the bedroom made it bliss.

Avani stayed and walked around the hotel for three whole days while Ayaan was busy, that evening after returning from work, he threw himself on the couch in their room.

"Are you done with your work?" Avani came to him with a glass of water. "Yesss!! Let's go out tomorrow." He sipped on the glass. "Wasn't the hotel boring?" He asked her.

"Not really...the gaming room was super fun. I wanted to get into the pool but I dint really know how to swim.." she told with a smile. He too smiled and got up, "I'll change and then let's go down...if possible, I'll teach you swimming tomorrow.." he kept the glass on the table and went into the washroom. Avani woke up and went to grab herself a jacket when Ayaan's phone rang.

"Oh..Ayaan!! Your phone is ringing! Do you need it??" She told him through the door as she kept an ear on the door to hear him. "I'll come!" He relied back to her and immediately opened the door.

Avani almost fell when he held her shoulders, she looked at him, shirtless, from her low height. Her heart went crazy as her cheeks flushed red. He immediately left her and went to look at his phone, she turned away and closed her eyes tightly as she bent her head completely low.

"Hello... Yes Mr. Gavin..." he continued to talk as he placed himself on the couch. Avani, who didn't know what to do, nervously stood in the same spot turned away trying to calm her self down. She took three deep breaths to stop her racing pulse but things in her mind couldn't be stopped from getting wild which made her face flush even redder.

"We shall get back to you...Thank you." He cut the call with an annoying grunt and looked around to see where she was. He didn't realize he was shirtless as it was normal for him, he came back near the washroom to see her turn towards the wall murmuring to herself, "Calm down...calm down..." she was slowly tapping on her chest as she told to herself that, Ayaan slowly came and whispered in her ears from the back, "About what?" In his deep husky voice.

Avani was absolutely shocked, she pushed herself away from him and turned around to him. "No...nothi..nothing.. " she told him stammering as she tried to not look at his chest and V line.

Ayaan looked down at where her eye was pointing to, he realized it was because of him and gave a small smirk. "What happened??" He brought himself closer to her as she moved back, "if you bend any back, you'll fall" he told her as he continued to lean forward.

Avani, who was avoiding his eyes, suddenly looked straight into his eyes, yet bent back, she suddenly brought herself forward and kissed on his lips leaving him startled.

Avani tried to walk away from him after doing so but Ayaan wrapped his hands tightly around her waist from the behind, not letting her moved around. His heart raced for her unpredictability, he smiled to himself as he looked at her who was infront of him in his grip.

She could feel his firm grip around her waist she put her hand on his, a part of her wanted to remove his hands but another wanted it. She could feel his six packs through her top, and she could see his big arms on each of her sides. He slowly continued to observe her...he wanted her to make her choice, he was surely going to respect it.

He slowly bent down to her neck, he smooched it gently and looked towards her who had closed eyes tightly, they stood there for a moment in the silent sound of the wind. He looked at her, her lashes, her lips which she was biting on nervously, he felt her long hair on his chest, he patiently waited for her to respond.

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