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Ayaan and Avani soon left to Hungary (Budapest), Ayaan had to sign a contract with a company there. Their flight was to leave at 9, but it was delayed and they got in time.

Meanwhile Ridhi, who had unpacked her entire wardrobe into a bag, started to arrange the clothes back as she had another mental breakdown. She started to weep loudly and dropped to the ground clutching her hair in a tight fist. She didn't know what was happening with her. She saw her phone ring, it was Adarsh. But she didn't want to pick the call. She put her phone into silent mode and threw her phone on the bed.

Wiping her tears from the back of her hand, Ridhi stood up after a moment and looked into the mirror- at herself and her room. It was all a mess.

She immediately combed her hair back and washed her face, realizing she had to deal with the problem and that there was no way out but to talk about it to Adarsh. She cleared her room and organized it, feeling random confidence, she put on a pair of jeans and a leather jacket and headed out.

She called Adarsh back,

"Hello? You called me?" She asked emotionlessly.

"Hello Ridhi... my parents are out for sometime.. can you come to the hospital?? I miss you!" Adarsh chirped.

Oh! So he is inviting me because his parents are not with him.

"I was headed to you... you want something?? Shall I buy you guava juice??" She asked trying to sound normal.

"No that's fine... I have plenty of fruits here...See you."

"See you." She cut the call.

She quickly grabbed an auto and reached the hospital. She walked to his bed in the general ward and waved to him.

"Hi Ridhi, sit here" he pushed her a chair with his hand that wasnt injured.

"How are you?? How's your hand and neck?" She walked to him and held his face with one hand.

"Fine... nothing serious. I'm good." He answered.

"Why are your eyes bloodshot and puffy? Did you cry?" Adarsh asked as he looked at her with a frown on his face.

"Oh! It's nothing, I... The soap went inside my eyes while I was Washing my face" Ridhi waved off not wanting to drag the matter. She wasn't really in the mood to open up and talk to him.

He smiled to her.  She smiled at him back though the smile didn't reach her eyes. All she could feel was emptiness and shallowness. She didn't feel the same sparks or excitement that she used to feel when Adarsh smiled at her.

She sat down and removed her jacket. She was wearing a crop top which had thin straps.

She looked around him, he had a hot water bag, his tablets, a torch, a mosquito repellent, a shawl, some fruits and a knife, nail cutter and many other things on and next to a tiny shelf.

"Why do you have so many things??" She asked as she looked at them. "A nail cutter!?" She was puzzled.

"My mom hadn't cut her nails, so she did them here. She didn't leave me alone for a second the whole time. Now she finally went away cuz my grandfather fell down at my house and hurt himself... its chaotic! I'm so glad you came..."

Ridhi smiled to him without a reply. After a moment she talked, "Adarsh.. I have something to tell you"

Adarsh raised his eyebrows. "Its your parents.. they look down on me."

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