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The next day, Avani was resting in the hotel, when Ridhi reached her. She knocked on the door and Ayaan opened it for her and left the room for them after telling her room he'll be back to give her her pills before lunch.

"This better not be a prank Hiya or I'm gonna make you pay for all my bills and tickets while I stay here." She told as soon as she entered but found her lying on the bed waving to her.

"Are you not well? Fever??" She came and pulled herself a chair.

"I'm pregnant!" She told her without any emotion showcasing on her face.

"Really!? Congrats!" Ridhi freaked.

"But.. it might be complicated.. you know right" Avani just told what she wanted to tell. She didn't want to tell her friends about that thing.

Ridhi held her hand and gripped it assuring her. Avani smiled to her. "But where is Hiral? Does she stay around here?" Ridhi stood up to wash her face. She went to the bathroom and splashed washed water on her face. She wiped her face and came out to change her clothes. Not caring that she was in Ayaan and Avani's room, where Ayaan was sitting in the balcony of the room doing his work, to disctract himself.

"Not around. But she lives here. She has a family too. With two children!"

"What?? Really??" She told as she pulled out her top. She changed as they talked further.

Ridhi didn't know to to react. She felt as if her whole life was a pathetic joke where she just wanted to laugh out loud and get done with it.

Ridhi didn't like the way Avani took it so casually about Hiral's sudden appearance in their lives. Ridhu couldn't even digest the fact that Avani came into her life after seven darn years and let alone Hiral who they thought, was dead had appeared out of blue in their lives. This was too much for Ridhi to take in everything. 

"Its better you listen it from her. Let's order in a breakfast for us" Avani ordered Ridhi a good breakfast and Ridhi was quite sleepy as she took the overnight flight. After eating, she came and layed next to Avani.

"So... how was it?" She asked trying to lighten the mood.

"What? Being pregnant?" Avani asked confused.

"Nah, the before that" Ridhi wiggled her eyebrows.

"What?" Avanj avoided looking at Ridhi.

"How was sex bitch? Did you feel trauma?" Ridhi asked.

"It was soo good. I never knew it was so relieving. As for the trauma, I did, around 2 or 3 times. But Ayaan helped me and took care of me and never tried to make me feel uncomfortable, So, it's gone for good I guess." Avani rolls as she breathed in a deep breath.

"Good for you... When will she come?" Ridhi asked seriously instantly wiping away the smile that was itched on her face.

"Don't know..  I'll wake you up." Ridhi went into  sleep. By the time she woke up, no one was there in the room but a man, with curly hair and green eyes, tan skinned and muscular in a white T shirt and Jean's, scrolling through his phone. Beside him was a suitcase.

"Excuse me? Who are you? Where are Hiya and her husband?" Ridhi asked as she sat up. The man looked her.

"You woke up?" Avani came out of the washroom.
"He is Asher, Hiral's brother in law who came to drop by that suitcase. It has old albums and stuff of ours. Hiral's out on a call."

"Ohh.. I thought I slept in the wrong room." Ridhi rubbed her eyes.

"Your name?" The man asked Ridhi looking at her with keen interest. Something about her drew his attention.

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