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Blooming Attractions


"What should I do? What if he has heard me? I have never confessed to anyone before. What if he starts being awkward and begins to avoid me?" I asked in utter confusion as I looked up to Hiya.

She nodded. "He doesn't look like that type to be cool about dating and all. I have no solution." She nodded her head again and looked at me.

"One idea!" She told after a moment. I looked up to her in curiosity. "If the next time he enters the room and is uncomfortable or awkward, it means that he heard you. If not he just didn't."

"Okayy....that's all I can do." I said as I calmed myself a little. "But how did you go to my house? I wanted to ask you all day Hiya."

"Don't remind me of your home. It was a beautiful and mesmerizing experience. Like, do you even do the dishes? And what do you even have for food? How come you still don't know how to cook? Two potatoes, three tomatoes and one carrot - all gone bad. That was all in your fridge."she started as she was exclaiming while moving her hands frantically. While doing so, she looked like a mom of two kids.

"Only vegetables? What happened to my pickle bottle? And don't get started again." I said giving a pouty look.

"Yeah sure, go ahead and live on pickle your entire life."She nudged my shoulder, not too hard by looking at me in an annoyed expression in her face.

We talked around till the noon. About how she got into the house, about how she lived in Udupi, about what she does for a living, if she was married or what and many more things.

She went back at 12 to cook lunch for me. I was bored and soon after she left I felt very lonely. I hate silence because it reminds me of all my old feelings which are buried deep inside me for the last five years. As the silence grew more and more, I again remembered Prajwal and started to weep silently.

I looked out of the window at the bright sunshine. It made me feel like it was the wrong part of the day to cry. But my tears wouldn't stop.

*Surprise surprise*


Adarsh POV:

Ms.Avani and Ms.Ridhi are such good friends. They are so caring about each other that they don't even see me standing over there.

I came out, a guardian wanted to talk to me about some patient. I shut Ms.Ridhi's door and stood there as I started to talk with him. I heard some noise from the room but couldn't hear what it was. It was a little disturbing to talk there so I led the guardian to my room. I explained him the operation process and side effects and all the medications and he soon left after thanking me.

It was 10:03 by then, I just sat and started to read a medical book. But at 10:40, there was an emergency appendicitis operation and by the time it was done, an hour was blown away. I was thirsty craving some orange juice.

I headed to a nearby departmental store and fetched myself a can of orange juice from the fridge.

I took it to the billing counter where I was informed that the drink was on a buy-one-get-one-free sale and that I could choose any other flavour among the ones that were arranged on the shelf neatly in the fridge. I picked guava and took out my wallet.

I brought them out in a cover and looked at my watch. It showed 12:04. I headed back to the hospital.

On my way to my room, I saw Nurse Roopa who was in charge of Mr. Kaushik and Ms. Ridhi. She halted me for a moment ,"Sir, Ms.Ridhi has been crying a lot. This is not healthy sir; it may affect her health as she is yet weak." She told to me and waited for me to reply while I took a moment to answer.

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