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(Ridhi's picture above)

Encounter of a new fate- 3

Location: AGP Hospitals, Mangalore.


The nurse patted my face, "Miss, please get up. The doctor shall examine you. Please don't sleep again. Miss, miss...." She tried to stop me from sleeping but I fell completely asleep, maybe due to the medications or something.

I woke up again after sometime. The nurse yet beside me, called the doctor through her phone, "Dr Adarsh, patient Ridhi is now conscious. Her vitals are stable. Will you please come?".

"Patient Ridhi, please don't sleep again. The doctor will be here soon." She tried to wake me up.

"Well..... Wh... What happened to me?...... Aahh... Right... I was... yesterday... stabbed..." I tried to tell with my voice yet weak from the pain in my abdomen.

"Ouch...Aahh!!! That stings" I told in a loud voice as I held my stomach which pained as it stretched a little while I try to sit in my bed.

"Please don't move mam, the stitches might open again." Said the nurse as she held my shoulders and tried to stop me from moving.

My eyes widened as I saw my new crush entered through the door. That cute doctor who was a little too cute to be a doctor. "Please don't move Miss Ridhi. Get me the thermometer Miss Rupa" he said as he approached near me with a small torch kind of pen, he switched it on and checked my eyes. "Do you have any pain in your stomach? Any headache? Or dizziness?". He queried.

"Yes... I do have some stomach ache but my head doesn't ache anymore. I'm not pregnant to be dizzy either." I replied with an attitude.

"Ohkkaayy..." He said hesitantly. "Nurse Rupa, she probably still has some internal bleeding. It is normal to have it untill the tissue is recovered, but if her vitals beck e unstable we might have to operate on her again." He said as he checked my temperature which showed normal.

"Miss, I wanted to ask you one thing. Do you smoke?" The doctor continued to stare at me as he asked.

"Hmm..... probably?" I said trying to avoid eye contact. His eyes followed my face which turned away from him. I cleared my throat to avoid myself from blushing.

"You should stop miss. Smoking is injurious to hea-". "I know doctor I know..." I interrupted him. "....I will quit", I said in a voice that sounded like stop nagging.

"Your charts show that you have been smoking since a long time. Your lungs will be of no use if this continues."

"Is is that serious!?" I asked with a blank face.

"Not yet. But if you continue, yes."


"Since when have you been smoking?"

"Since my college days... Don't tell anyone about this."

"Oh my that's a really long time, almost ten years I guess!"

He called to the nurse, " Nurse, when was her wound dressed last?" "Today morning at nine sir, now it's 10.32"

"And.... The guardian. Has the guardian been informed?"

"Yes sir, she's on her way." Said the nurse.

"Guardian!?" I asked surprised.

"She? The only people I know in Mangalore are my gang members who are all men and some college friends with whom I've left contact seven years ago itself..." I murmured to myself.

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