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I stepped out of the shower. It seemed warmer than usual; at first, I thought Henry skipped his. Then I saw Dad leave Henry's room.
He saw me.
"Joey, your brother, can't get out of bed," He told me, "so he won't be getting to school today."

"What's wrong with him?" I asked. "Is he sick or something?"
"It's something wrong with his back; he can barely move." that really the reason? I pain myself all the time! And he hurts once, and he gets a day off school?
'Just let it go,' a voice told me.
I sighed and went to my room......I changed; the whole time I did, it felt ants were crawling all over me.
I shook myself.
"Stupid," I grumbled.
After I got into my uniform and tied my tie, which took me a while, mostly because I kept getting it wrong.

As I went downstairs, I saw my brothers and sisters...well, except Henry. Dad was there as well.

"Is Henry okay?" Jackson asked dad. "Is he sick?"

"Jackson, it's fine; Henry will be fine; he just needs to relax," Jason explained. "He had some comics so he won't get bored."

I walked downstairs and joined them......but in the corner of my eye I saw, what appeared to be a cartoonish grim reaper.
Jackson wanted help with his tie, and I helped him with it.

Jackson wanted help with his tie, and I helped him with it

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It went away after a few seconds. Okay, that's good.

I finished Jacksons' tie, and I lead everyone outside.

After we got to school, I ran into Darius again. That deer boy was waiting for me at my locker.

"Joey," He said, "where were you? Have you been avoiding me?"
"Oh, your birthday, sorry I didn't make it," I explained. "I would have gone....But I didn't want to."
I don't like to sugarcoat things with these types of people.
"You're not even going to make an excuse?" He asked, offended, "What kind of friend are you?"

"The kind who is annoyed by you, we're not friends."

"B-but Joey," He stuttered out. "We went to preschool together."
"Of course we did; we're in the same class." I said, "It'd be weird if we weren't"
I opened my locker.
"Joey, you've....I would say you've changed, but now that I think about it, you've always been like this," Darius said. I heard him walk away from me.

Finally, that idiot is gone.
I grabbed what I needed for class and put my bag up.
Then Jennifer came up to me.
"Hey, Joey, how has it been since I took away your blade?" She asked.
I closed my locker. I walked with her away so no-one could hear.

 I walked with her away so no-one could hear

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"Yes, they tell me things..horrible things," I said. "That's why I did it; it made them quiet down."
I was worried. And I could tell she was as well.

"Well...maybe pray and hope it goes away?" She asked.
I sighed. I don't pray that much; I doubt Sayan would listen to someone like me.
"I'll try," I muttered and walked into my 1st class.

I sat down at my desk and put my stuff down on the top.
"Okay, everyone, to say we'll be discussing the French Revolution." The teacher told the class.
I sighed. Oh yeah. This was the subject this semester.

I've felt something on my neck like the ants came back.
I scratched the back of my neck, hoping that would make it go away; it didn't. The feeling persisted.
I didn't feel very interested in the lecture. So I just opened a book I got from the library.
It was a book on mythology; I dog-eared a chapter on alphas.

I started where I left off.
The alpha was also known for his roles in pack government, male Alphas ruling as kings, or tribes leaders, depending on the region. These titles were passed through generation, with the firstborn male gaining the title through a birthmark which is found somewhere on the body of the male. Nikolaus came up with the idea, Sayan believed that there shouldn't be a divide in the wolf community, but Nikolaus thought that the wolves needed a leader because he knew Sayan would not be able to lead them all at once. He knew her better than anyone, which was no shock that he decided to create-

"Mr.Pearl, what are you doing?" My teacher sternly said.
I jumped and put my book in my lap.
"I-uh-i-a," I tried to say something, but it just came out as nonsense.
"Not even going to make an excuse?" She asked. "Give me the book."
I handed the book.
"You'll get this back at the end of class," She said to me, walking away from me.

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