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I could get a shower before Henry, which is odd because he's usually up before me.
I walked into my bedroom in the robe. My hair is still a little wet.
I ignored the voices that filled my head. It's hard, but I can tune them out.
After changing into my uniform grabbed a jar of concealer, which I kept in my dresser. I have a birthmark on my face, it's strange, and I don't like showing it.
I opened the jar.....and it's empty.
I sighed and placed it down.
Jason, who was lying on his bed in his messed up uniform.
"You still wear makeup?" He asked me," What are you, queer?"
"Don't call me that; you know this mark is embarrassing," I said. "I guess I have not to wear any today."
"Yeah," Jason said. He was sitting up on his bed now. In the corner of my eyes, I saw.......uncle Simon?
I shook my head, and he disappeared.
And now, for some reason, I smelled bacon, and.....pancakes?
"You smell that, right?" I asked Jason. And he started sniffing the air as well.
"Kids! Breakfast is ready!" My dad called from downstairs.
When did Dad start cooking? And shouldn't he be at work?
Confused, I walk downstairs along with Henry. He noticed my birthmark on my face.
Ugh, I hate it when people stare at it.

"Uh, Joey, your birthmark is showing," He said. "What did you run out of makeup?"
"Yeah, the concealer ran out," I said. "And when did dad start cooking?"
Dad doesn't seem like the kind of man to cook.
"I don't know," Henry said.

"I can hear you two," Dad called from the kitchen.
Henry and I hurried downstairs.

The rest of my family and I ate a...surprisingly good breakfast. Henry hogged all the bacon, but it was good.
He almost breathed it down, im pretty sure that's not healthy.
After Henry left, dad suddenly looked very sad.
I got upstairs to grab my bag. I brought it up there yesterday to do my homework.
As I grabbed it......I saw something on Jason's that a Neilson bar?
Wolf Hybrids can't eat chocolate without puking. I mean, a company....I forget the name, made a type of chocolate that Wolf Hybrids could eat.
But Neilson doesn't use that in their bars; why does he have this?
(AN: If you enjoy Neilson chocolate bars, good for you)
I shook my head; why did I hear an ad for the chocolate?
I grabbed my bag and my razor blade; I ran downstairs and waved bye to dad as I went to the door. I saw....... for me?

It was a younger version of me; I saw some pictures, but

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It was a younger version of me; I saw some pictures, but....this wasn't a picture; it was reality. He had Mr.Trap. A bunny my parents gave me THAT STUPID THING IS COLLECTING DUST IN MY CLOSET! Yet it's in little Me's arms like it's brand new.
I ignore little me and walk outside. I walk past Henry, who was going back inside.

I walk three blocks before I ran into Sebastian; he's a wolf hybrid with blondish hair and blue eyes.....he's homeschooled, so he's never in the school uniform.
We talk sometimes; I enjoy his company, it's hard for me to make friends sometimes. If he were in school, he would be in Henry's class.

"Hey Joey," He almost yelled.
"Sebastion, I don't have time," I said," I'm going to be late."
Then his eyes came to my cheek. They widened a bit.

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