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When I got home, I felt like passing out on my bed.
And I did, I didn't fall asleep, but I wanted to.
I'm tired and wide awake; this is the feeling; I guess one of the layers of hell is like.

I can't believe I just dropped something I never had before; what if I broke it. Does that mean i have to buy it or?
Then I heard someone knock at the front door. I didn't move and just laid in my bed, enjoying the feeling of the fabric on my face and tail.

After a few minutes, the knocking stops, and someone comes into my room.

This made me shoot up in bed. Then I saw Nikolaus, in the flesh.
"Hello Pup" he growled out then he jumped at me.

He then pinned me down on my bed and he started growing taller, his wings growing longer as well.
"Now, be a good puppy and submit to me," He said, chuckling deeply "you'll learn too enjoy it"
The larger Nikolaus flips me onto my stomach. I couldn't see him, and then he started to take my pants off.
I used my tail to hit him in the face.
He shoved my head into the bed, slightly obscuring my vision.
"Do that again, and you're dead!" He yelled out in anger.
In a panic, I grabbed my alarm clock and clocked him in the face.......pun intended.
He got off of me, and I was able to get off of bed I fell onto the floor and backed up until I reach the wall.

The larger man now had a small bruise on his right eye.
"Bad puppy, I guess it's time for the bug to be crushed." wait....what?
"B-b-bug?" I choked out.
As he approached me, I felt myself getting smaller.
As I get smaller, I see more details of his clothing, every imperfection, every loose thread. But I didn't have time to ogle every detail of his body and clothes.
I reached the size of maybe a beetle.

He raised his large shoe above me.
"Bye-bye bug, see you in the underworld...maybe I won't. I don't care."
He then stepped on me, but he didn't crush me instantly. It was a slow thing. It kept increasing the pressure......he's enjoying this.....why is he enjoying this?!

I never thought it would end like this, lying in a puddle of my own blood. But so be it, the end of my life, crushed slowly by the king of the underworld literal God of darkness and deception. Who knows, maybe he'll have my family forget I exist......maybe he can do....right?
Hopeless, this is absolutely hopeless. I'm going to die, I know it. But I don't want to, I don't want to die I want to live. Please, I want to live. Is there nobody out there? Please, save me.

Everything hurts, my entire body is screaming in pain. I can't take this much longer.....I'm going to end up a red stain

I woke up sweating; it took me a while to realize it was a dream and that I had fallen asleep in my clothes. It took me a minute to regain my emotions. I started crying and......i came in my pants again. Fuck!

I sighed, rolled out of bed, and stood up. Temporary vertigo almost made me fall over.

I then changed into some pajamas and went downstairs, and sat on the couch.
Jason was looking through mom and dad's records.

"Find anything good?" I asked.

"Not really, mostly Bob Crosby," Jason told me. "i mean, I like his music, but I prefer The Scarlet singers."
He's referring to a group of singers who wear red all the time for some reason.

We talked for a while then.....he told me something.

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