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I woke up to a silent house. I did hear the shower running, but that's probably Henry. I didn't hear dad cooking or him snoring.
I sat up, and then I noticed.
Joey wasn't in his bed; I thought it was weird he wasn't here during dinner. But I just felt that he was hanging with a friend of his.
I got up and immediately changed into my uniform; honestly, I never really understood the blue-colored suit jacket; I don't look good in blue.

I stepped out into the hallway to see Justine and Jackson leave their house, along with Henry going to the bathroom in his robe while drying his wet hair.

"What's wrong?" He asked, scanning us up and down like he was looking at art.
"Joey disappeared," I muttered, not wanting Justine and Jackson to hear me, but they heard me anyway.

Henry sniffed the air.
"And judging by the lack of smell of breakfast, mom, and dad as well."

When he said that, I saw the rest of us smelled the air, it was stale and had the vague smell of good old-fashioned teen hormones.

"Well, that's weird," Justine grumbled under her breath.

"We should get ready for school if we continue to look for them; we'll be here all day."
With that, we all got ready for school.

We took turns showering; I didn't sense I already got into my uniform.
After everyone got ready, we met downstairs—still no sign of mom and dad.

Henry and I went to school together with Justine after dropping Jackson off

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Henry and I went to school together with Justine after dropping Jackson off.

I met up with Sabrina after ditching the little person and the depressed boy; after she told the guys about me being a cheerleader, I've been ignoring them, mainly because Aaron commented on wanting to see me in a skirt. I think everyone is ignoring him after that.

We stayed together as we learned we had the same first period with Mr.Kurth.

After school, we had a cheerleading meet-up on the football field. I put my uniform on and realized it looked a bit baggy on me, which is excellent; this means I'm losing weight. If I keep the chocolate coming, I could fit it into my old clothes.

He made sure no one was in the locker room with me as I took a new bar out of my bag,

Then I heard someone barge in; when they did, I shoved the whole thing into my mouth.
I closed my locker and kept my mouth shut.

It was coach Bruce; he was wearing a shirt, this time under a thin coat.
"Practice is....starting....what is in your mouth?" He raised a question to me.

I didn't answer, because I was eating and so he didn't know what it was.

"Just be quick" He closed the door looking annoyed and confused.
I finished the bar and threw the wrapper away.

I left the locker room and met up with the girls outside; we had decided to do a mini Pyramid; we don't have enough for a full one.
I would help steady it since I'm the strongest......as I was looking ahead to keep myself centered......I saw my friends sitting on the bleachers. And that's what made me lose my grip.

I would say I had dreams of having girls on top of me, but this...this isn't what I had in mind. Ugh.

Everyone started to get off of me.
"Jason? Are you okay?" Sabrina said.
I took a breath, and...it was a mistake; it felt like every breath was like I was being stabbed in my chest.
I moved up; as I did, Sabrina shrieked. I gazed at what she was looking at.....my arm was....swollen.i think it might have broken; I didn't feel like it, though.
Couch Brute came over and winced at the sight.
"I'm going to call your parents. Someone help him up," He said before running off and into the building.

Sabrina helped me up and to the parking lot to wait for my parents

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