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Today I need to step up my game. Until Justin gets a job, I need to support our whole family.
Last night, during a crying spat, I told him to try and find a job as soon as possible.
We'll not tell the kids, until Justin gets a new job.
Justin made breakfast this morning; it was perfect, better than mine and Henry's.
After the kids left and got ready for school, I went up to him.
"Sweetie, this is going to be hard," I said," But we'll get through this"
He just smiled and kissed me on the cheek.
"Be good at work," He said. "Let me drive you."
"Thanks," I said.
Justin took the dark blue apron he had on and quickly took it off.
He walked me to the driveway and opened the passenger side door for me.
I sat down in the brown leather seat.

He hasn't done this since we started dating. I remember that we-

Not much, from that time, it's fuzzy, like a dream

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Not much, from that time, it's fuzzy, like a dream.

I shook my head when Justin said something.
"Hun, what's wrong?" He asked me.
"It's nothing," I said. "Just having trouble remembering somethings."
"Well, memories fade over time," He said."It might clear up someday"

He drove me to the Harrisons.
"Good luck dealing with the blonde devil," He said, teasing me with the nickname I gave Dorothy.

I laughed a small bit as I stepped out of the sedan.
I waved him off as he drove away.

I took a deep breath and entered the two-story colonial home. Lawrence greeted me at the door.
"Good Morning Jess," He said happily.

"Lawerence, is she here?" I asked, talking about Dorothy.
"She's at a friend's." Lawrence said.
Wow, I'm surprised that she has friends.
"Should we start in the kitchen?" Lawrence suggested.
"Sure," I said. Whenever it's just Lawrence and me, it's pretty nice. We talk while I clean. We mostly talk about our kids, his former job, and family.
We entered the small kitchen. It's a country-style, possibly plastic countertops, and dark oak cabinets. It's an odd kitchen, but Lawrence makes it work; his late wife chose it.
Poor Joanna. I miss her.
There's a small round table in the center with four cushioned chairs around it.
Lawrence sat down and grabbed a newspaper from the table.
I looked around the kitchen to see if anything needed cleaning. The sink had a couple of dirty plates and steak knives. I went over and started to clean them with the dish soap and water.

"Huh" Lawrence said. "Something happened in Chicago."
"What?" I asked him, absent-mindedly cleaning as I did.
"Um, a Rosanna Parker, refused to get off the L train when she was told to get off for a human woman." Lawrence said.

"Jess!" 20 year old Justin yelled, terrified. "Dont hurt her, please!"

"Shut it!" The man yelled. As punched Justin directly in the face. Knocking him over the blue leather seat.

"Jessica?" Lawrence asked. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I jumped a small bit.
"Lawrence, sorry," I said. "I must have zoned out."

"It's okay, but you were just standing there, stone-faced," Lawrence told me. "Is something wrong?"

"It's just," I sighed," My husband quit his job yesterday."
"What?" Lawrence shouted astonished.
"I know, he quit when he learned that a human that only worked there for a week made more than he did." I explained.

Lawrence stood there for a minute and looked like he was processing what I said.
He pulled out his wallet, a dark brown one.
He took out a twenty and gave it to me.
"I....I can't take that," I said.
"No, I insist, you need this," He said in a stern voice.
I took the money and put it into a pocket in my uniform.
"So, I heard Jason spray-painted a message on the library?" Lawrence said.
"Lawerence, that wasn't him." I said. "He may be a troublemaker, but he isn't a criminal."

"I know, I was just teasing." Lawrence said. "But, seriously, the police still haven't found whoever spray painted the library."

"I know," I said. " It's crazy, and the message was freaky too."
"Treat us Equal or face our curse." Lawrence muttered,"Now, please be honest with me....."
Before he continued with what he was saying.
"No, Hybrids don't have magic," I said.

"Dang," Lawrence joked. He was acting like he was disappointed.
I smiled and started washing the remaining dishes.
I kept with my cleaning schedule until I had to go home.

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