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I didn't shower this morning. My hair is getting slightly greasy.
I didn't even go in; I wore my robe. And I just watched the water run for half an hour.
Why should I shower? It's not like anyone cares if I do.
I turned it off and just stared at myself in the mirror.......why am I different?
What did I do to Sayan to make me like this?
Wait.....she wouldn't do this, then that means it was-

NO NO, NO! Don't think about him again, Henry!
He's evil!

I snapped out of my funk; it's now time for school.....well, school starts in an hour, but I walk pretty early.
My uniform is slightly wrinkled; I didn't iron it.....well, Joey irons it, but I didn't ask.

I walked out of my room, but for some reason, I smelled bacon, and.....pancakes?

"Kids! Breakfast is ready!" My dad called from downstairs.
When did Dad start making breakfast?
Confused, I walk downstairs along with Joey. On his cheek was a paw print a bit darker than his skin tone.
"Uh, Joey, your birthmark is showing," I said. "What did you run out of makeup?"
He hides the birthmark with makeup that mom gave him. If that went out, he would die.
"Yeah, the concealer ran out," Joey said. "And when did dad start cooking?"

"I don't know," I said. Dad has work today; he can't be here that much.
"I can hear you two," Dad called from the kitchen.

We both hurried downstairs. And we saw the small table in the kitchen had a plate of bacon and a pile of pancakes with numerous plates around it.

Dad was nearby wearing a dark blue apron, with a sad look on his face.

Dad was nearby wearing a dark blue apron, with a sad look on his face

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"not much?" I muttered, confused.
This looked better than when I make it?
I sit down in a chair by the door. Joey sat next to be,
Then Jason and Justine came in, then Jackson entered, holding Mom's hand. His uniform was neat and tidy; I guess mom made it up.
I saw on the counter behind me was a newspaper.
I didn't read much, but it said something about a movement in Chicago.
I took some bacon.
And by 'Some,' I mean all of it.
"Hey bro, don't hog all the meat," Jason said, picking some up with his fork and putting some onto his plate.
I looked at my plate. It took me a bit to eat it all.
I had some pancakes as well, six of them.
I looked over the plates of the rest of my family.
Their plates were empty. Except for Justines, she only ate the left side of it.
It's an odd habit she has; I don't even think she knows about it.
"Justine, are you full?" I asked her. I am confused about this.
"No, I'm still hungry." She said.
I didn't question it as I stood.
"Henry, where are you going?" Dad asked.
"School," I said. "And you should be heading to work."
I didn't see how he reacted; I just walked out of the kitchen and out of the house.

I made it three blocks before I noticed something.....i didn't have my things.

It was quite embarrassing having to walk back home.

I was a few minutes late; I had to shove my things in my locker, and then I noticed something odd; I don't remember having an envelope in it.
I grabbed the things I'll need for my class, along with the envelope. It smells familiar.

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