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Today's the first day back to school after the second trip to the hospital.
Now I'm known as the clumsy kid who gets Into the hospital all the time.

I was walking through the hallway with Darius...honestly I don't get why I didn't see him as a friend. He's nice. He lets me rant to him. he let me rant about this whole situation

"It could be worse," Darius tried to comfort me "you could be the guy who sees things that aren't real."

"I do see things that aren't real," I corrected "that's why I was in the hospital, to begin with."

"Right, I forgot."

I facepalmed and stared at him "seriously? You'd forget your head if it weren't screwed on."

"I had a dream where that happened once. Now I know I shouldn't eat parsley," he pouted, "and I love parsley."

"What's with Deer and eating plain herbs" I commented

He gave me an offended glare. "What's with Wolves and eating raw Meat," he chuckled

"One time on a dare!" I defended. I was right. I was dared in middle school to eat some raw bacon. I vomited, but it was worth it. He gave Me ten bucks. I don't remember who did dare me.

Then I felt myself walk into something but I didn't see anybody.
"Uhh" Darius made a small noise while looking at something on my chest.

I looked down and saw a girl with silver hair and wolf ears..or fox's hard to tell sometimes
She's in the school uniform and she seems to be a bit angry.
"Uhh you see her too right?" I looked to him for validation.
He nodded.
She seemed to go from angry to embarrassed very quickly.
"Hey. Sorry I walked into you Didn't mean to," She said, "I'm Amber i'm new here."

"Aren't you a bit young to be here?" I said, looking at her, "in the high school building."

"I'm 16 you...never mind," She said "I uh need to find the nurses office. My tail got pulled on the way here"

I didn't know how to respond to that. "You okay?" I sputtered out.

"I'm fine but I think something popped"

Darius spoke up "I can take y-" He interrupted himself by his face becoming slightly green and running to a nearby trashcan and vomited.

"Oh, for fucks sake," I yelled, annoyed. "Did you eat another cucumber?"

He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, a small stain forming "maybe."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I could tell Amber was annoyed already by this.
I grabbed his hand and began to lead him and Amber to the nurses station.

It felt nice talking to her. Honestly it feels like the most real conversation I've had in year's. She's also kind of cute.

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