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I learned about depression from a book I found at school; it was on mental health; it described it as a feeling of hopelessness and emptiness.
Everything made sense to me after that, well, everything but one thing, why I like boys the way I do.

It's the following day after my talk with Jason, and I awoke to my alarm going off.
I turned it off and sat up and against the headboard of my bed. I threw myself off of the bed and stood up.
I took my shirt off and threw it on the floor, and walked into the bathroom.
I turned the shower on, and I was about to step in......but I don't want to.
I just watched the water hit the plastic tub and go down the drain.
After a couple of minutes, I stopped the shower and put my robe on.

I went back to my room.....but-

"What do you?" I asked

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"What do you?" I asked.
"Your hair and tail fur are disgusting," he said bluntly. "I know you better than you; I can see things."
I sighed and walked back to the bathroom.

Honestly is felt nice having water on my skin and felt myself getting clean.
I returned to my room, passing Jason in the hall; he seemed happy.

After drying myself off and changing into my uniform, I walked downstairs to get all toast. Then in the kitchen, I noticed a book on the kitchen table. Joey's school bag was next to it.
I started to read it while I waited for my toast.

'To brew a sleeping potion, gather the following ingredients, and follow the recipe with exact precision or risk an uncertain outcome.
- 2 dashes of Pearl Petal
- 2 pinches of Cavern Herb
- 6 bits of Emerald Sage
- 3 batches of Forest Chicory
- 2 dashes of Silk Angelica

Crunch the Pearl Petal very delicately at first, then with unleashed fury at the end. Put the result in a cup-'

Then I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder, and I jumped and almost knocked the book off the table.
It was Justine.
"Sorry," She yelped after seeing my reaction.
"Justine, don't walk up on a pearl boy while he's reading; we get scared."
"I know, I almost got burned when dad ironed while reading a newspaper"

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