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I was sitting in my English classroom. We were assigned reading a book called 'Finn Evans Journey.' a couple of weeks ago. I have been reading it; it's....not helping my thoughts.
It takes place in 1832
It stars a young boy named Finn Evans; he's a human who runs away from home, he camps in a small field between Florida and Georgia.

There he meets a runaway slave, a male Fox Hybrid. He ran off from a fictional plantation that grew corn and wheat.

When they introduced his character, I felt my cheeks flush.

The author described him as a tall young man with messy pitch-black hair that reached his shoulders. A faint beard around his chiseled face, he wore burlap around his shoulders in a makeshift shirt. The same material was used for his longjohns. His fox ears sat on top of his head; they flinched at the wind. The thin tail covered in fur between his legs nearly reached his knees.

The book is alright, especially for the times it was written.
I read the first six chapters like I was told.
"Now everybody, I trust everyone did the reading I assigned?" Me.Winfred asked everybody.

A series of yes's and yeah filled the air—mine including.

"Ok, now everybody, I want you to write a short answer based on what you believe the theme of the book is." She said, holding back a yawn.
She's always exhausted; most of the time, she falls asleep at her desk.

This was my last class of the day. All I did was write out my half-ass opinion on this book.
I set it on her desk as I leave. She was still asleep; even the bell didn't wake her up. I mean, it's getting colder, and she's a bear hybrid.
So I understand. I head to my locker and put in my combination.
1-80-62. I sigh as I open the faded blue metal door.

When I came here, it was a bright blue like all the ones around it. But I guess they used a different type of paint on mine. Because after a few months, the color faded, and the paint peeled to show the cold grey metal.
I didn't bother complaining. I don't have the motivation, too, anyway. I mean, it's just a locker.

I put my things on in, and I slam my locker shut.
I turned around and.

"Hey, Henry!" Natalie said to me.
I jumped at the sight and sound of her. Shes, a wolf hybrid; she's in my class. She's...........a hopeless romantic; she has attached herself to me she thinks she's some kind of....romace guru.

Maybe I can ask her about......my problem.

"Natalie," I said.

"Natalie," I said

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"Wait....you have a crush?" Natalie almost cheered.
I shushed her. What the hell is wrong with her?
"Yes, I do," I said," Now, what do you have to say about it?"
She put her hand to her chin. Is she thinking or just staring at my tie?
It seems like it could be either one.
"Well, write her a letter, and leave it in her locker." She did excited."Tell her to meet her somewhere! And confess!"

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