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Today Lawrence convinced Dorothy to help greet new people who moved into town. She agreed, but As long as I came along......I think she likes parading me a pet.
Lawrence told me that it would be nice. And he met the people, and they were very nice.

I hope he's right.

Dorothy was driving us to the house. Lawrence would have, but she insisted.
It had been bought a few weeks ago. And they have a son around Henry's age. They're humans because Dorothy would never talk to hybrids. She never even talks to me; I'm pretty sure she thinks my name is Jennifer.
"What we're these people's last name again?" Dorothy asked.
"DeShirlia, I think," Lawrence said.

We pull up to the house—Lawrence parks the car.

We pull up to the house—Lawrence parks the car

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The 'For Sale' sign was still in the yard. The house had been abandoned for a couple of years. Since 1956 I think. I've lived in this town for a long time. I know a lot of people and see a lot about houses.

"Wow, this place is overgrown," Dorothy said. "Jennifer, your husband, a gardener, right?" She asked me. Getting my name wrong again.

"No, he isn't," I muttered.

The three of us walked up to the door; there's a note on the door.
'Door Bell broke, please knock. C.D'
A little smile face was on the corner of the paper.
"Well, it's an old house," I said.

Lawrence knocked on the door. Then almost immediately, a boy around Henry's age answered.
"Um, hello." He said, parting some of his Auburn hair out of his face to show his blueish eyes.
"Hi, we're your neighbors," Dorothy said, pushing by me to get to the young man.
"Oh, I recognize you," He said, pointing at Dorothy with recognition in his eyes. "You're the lady I saw crying in the cleaning section of the supermarket."
Dorothy's eyes widened. And she took a step back.
"That wasn't me." She muttered. "But welcome to Millburrow, I'm Dorothy, and that is my dad, Lawrence."
She said with a fake smile plastered on her face.
"Oh, that's nice," He said."I'm Charles, but everybody calls me Charlie; you want to come in?"
"That would be nice." Lawrence said.
He moved his eyes among us as if he was examining every one of us.
Then his eyes went to me.
"Oh, wow, I almost didn't see you there." Charlie said. "Who are you?"
" Ignore her; she's not important." Dorothy stated.

"That's not right; my father says that everyone is Important to someone." Charlie said. "Who are you, ma'am?" He asked politely.
He actually seems nice.
"I'm Jessica Pearl," I replied to him.
I saw his eyes widened.

"Charlie, who's at the door?" A male voice inside the house requested. That must be his dad.
"Some neighbors Dad, should I let them in?" Charlie asked, turning around to the house.

"Sure, they can help unpack." He said.

Charles leads us inside the house.

The entryway of the house had been cleaned, but the light blue striped wallpaper was peeling and exposing the drywall.
"Sorry, the house is still being put together." Charles mentioned. "So, the place is a bit run down, but we're working on it."
"Who else is living here with you?" I asked Charlie as I looked around the room.
"My parents and I." Charles said. "But my grandmother is staying with us for a few days."

"Oh, ok," I said.

We all walk through the small hallway with stained wallpaper to the main living room.

We all walk through the small hallway with stained wallpaper to the main living room

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A woman was in there. She was around. 38, with brown curly hair wearing a purplish dress with a small white, stole over it.
She was kneeling over a few box's in the center of the room.
"Oh, hey," She said, getting up from her seat. "I'm Tabatha."

After introductions were over.
"Chris, how's it going in the kitchen?" Tabatha called to the other room.
"Good! I think I got the coffee maker to work." A man, Chris shouted from the kitchen. Then the sound of something turning on, then the sound of electricity and a man yelping in pain.

Tabatha and Charlie sighed at this.

We spent a while in the house. And like most gatherings, men went into one room, women in the other.
It wasn't intentional, but it just happened.

Then, I heard Dorothy mention something.

"Yeah, you need a maid," Dorothy said. "But, I think you might have to have another bathroom built."

"Uh....Why?" Tabatha asked.
"Well, i'm pushing an order to have bathroom made only for hybrid help." Dorothy said. "So, what do you think?"

 "So, what do you think?"

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"But I...I think I can do it myself," Tabatha said, very uncomfortable. I guess she doesn't like help.

I walked out of the kitchen and into the dining room.
Old furniture was covered in cloth.

"Yeah, I don't see any problem with it; as long as you're happy, that's all that matter," Lawrence said

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"Yeah, I don't see any problem with it; as long as you're happy, that's all that matter," Lawrence said.
I didn't hear what was said before
"Thanks," Charlie said."I was scared you would be mad."
"Nope, it's all peachy with me." Lawrence said.
"Yeah, I never really minded." Chris said scratching his beard.

I wonder what they were talking about?

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