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I woke up this morning with nothing to do.
I felt like I should go to work, but I can't, I quit. I sighed and got dressed.
As I tied my black tie, I realized something; my kids barely get breakfast most days, and that when Henry feels like cooking or Jessica gets a day off.

Maybe I can cook. I did take a home ec class in high school......to meet girls, but I got excellent grades in it. I didn't date any of the girls there; my parents wanted me with a wolf girl. And there weren't any in the class.

I got dressed and walked into the kitchen; there's an apron that I got Henry as a gift on Christmas.
He never uses it, but it's nice that he likes it.
I put it on and tied it in the back.
I started to make some pancakes and Bacon.
Then I heard something hit the front door.
I cringed a bit.
I let the bacon simmer as I went to get it.

I opened the front door; there was a newspaper on the porch. Wow, delivery people get up early.
I grab it; the strange thing is I thought I saw someone with pink hair running away from the house.
I smell something smoking.
Oh, crap, the bacon!
I closed the front door and ran into the kitchen. Newspaper still in hand.
I placed the newspaper on the counter by the door.
I stopped the bacon from burning. And I made a couple of pancakes.
I put everything on the table on some plates in the cabinet.
A little bit later
"Kids Breakfast is ready," I yelled upstairs.
Joey and Henry came in.
"Sorry, it's not much," I apologized.

"not much?" Henry muttered, confused.
He sits down in a chair by the door. Joey sat next to him
Then Jason and Justine came in, then Jackson entered, holding Jessie's hand. His uniform was neat and tidy; I guess she made it up.
She's a good mother. I love her.
I sat down next to her. I took some bacon and a pancake. I almost drowned it in syrup.

"Hey bro, don't hog all the meat," Jason said, picking some bacon up his fork and putting some onto his plate.
After we ate, Henry suddenly stood up after he was finished.

"Henry, where are you going?" I asked. It's pretty early
"School," I said. "And you should be heading to work."
I put my head in my hands.
After the kids left.
Jessica came up to me.
"Sweetie, this is going to be hard," She said," But we'll get through this"
I just smiled and kissed heron the cheek.
"Be good at work," I said. "Let me drive you."
"Thanks," She said.
I took the dark blue apron and quickly took it off.
I walked Jessica to the driveway and opened the passenger side door for her

After dropping her off, I returned home. After heading inside, I returned to the kitchen to get the newspaper.
I picked it up and read the headline.
'Spray painted Library'
It said that an unknown group had spray-painted 'Treat us equal or face our curse.' onto the library.
Wow, I guess some Hybrids think they have magick. That's very sad.
Jason said that he was there, but he didn't do that. I believe him; I mean, where would he even get spray paint?

I set the paper down. What should I do with the rest of my day?
I walked to the living room and sat down on the couch.
I sighed and walked to the television. I turned it on.

'They could be laughing at you,' a male voice said.
"Okay. Listerine commercial, let's see what's on HNH."
Humans and Hybrids is a channel that plays this sitcom. It's basically just a knock off I Love Lucy. With Fred and Ethel being Cat Hybrids. I still enjoy it.

It was an episode I saw already. But I don't care.

After a couple of hours. Someone knocked on the door.
I got up and was about to answer the don't but it p
It's my friend Bryan. He works at the store in the perfume department. I gave him a key.

"I have to say; it was brave of you to quit," he said

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"I have to say; it was brave of you to quit," he said. "But it was also foolish."
He put his right hand on my shoulder.
"I know that it's just, my pride took over, and I wasn't thinking," I explained
"Hey, it's okay; at least you have more time for your kids."
"Huh, that's an excellent way to look at it." I said, "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Yeah, apparently my job was terminated because. 'Funding got cut.'  but apparently, his daughter can afford to go to London for lunch." Bryan explained

"Jeeze, what's wrong with them?" I asked, not expecting an answer.
"If I told you, we'd be here all day."
He and I laughed a bit.
"Want some tea?" I asked.

He nodded, and we went into the kitchen.
As the kettle boiled, we sat at the kitchen table.
"Everything Is strange," He said. "Spray-painted threats, a woman, not getting off a train."

"Yeah, things can go either way for us, either we get treated equally, or we become slaves again"
I got two cups for us.
"Or worse, we get burned for being witches," Bryan jokes.
"Bryan, they didn't burn witches," I explained. "Drowned them, hung them, threw them off buildings, yes."
I learned that in history class, then my teacher called them monsters and had us write an essay on why Humans are the spawn of Nikolaus.

"Wow, humans were ruthless back then," He muttered.
"Back then?" I asked. "They're ruthless nowadays."

The kettle starts to whistle.

I and Bryan drink tea and talk.
He says that he's trying to start his own business and know if I would invest.

I sighed. I have nothing more to lose.
I gave him a check for 50 dollars. That much I can spare.

He left with a smile. That's when the phone rang.
I answered it.
"Hello?" I asked.

"Yeah, this is Mr.Russel at your kid's school," the guy on the other end said. "Your son Henry hit me over the head with a book."
"Yeah, I gave him detention, and he should be back home thirty minutes after school ends," he hissed out in pain.
"Thank you for calling me," I said.
I hung up and called the diner Henry works. I told him he couldn't work today because he had detention.
After I hung up.
I slammed my arm against the table the phone sat at.
After three a clock and thirty minutes. I got into
I drove to the school.
I got out of the car and waited for Henry to leave.
When he did
"Get in the car," I said through his teeth in anger.
He didn't say anything; he got into the back seat and buckled hisseatbelt.
I got in the car.
This is horrible. Henry's a good kid! Good grades. Eats right. Why would he get detention?
I smelled something on Henry.
Did....did he have sex at school?
When we got home, I pulled into the driveway, got out, and slammed the driver side door.
"Get inside, young man!" I yelled.
I entered the house.

"Don't sass me, mister

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Don't sass me, mister." I Exclaimed. "You're getting punished for this"
He sighed. Wait....what does he like again? Joey reads, Jason hangs out with friends, Justine likes a radio, and Jackson likes cartoon
"No.....uh," I muttered."What do you like to do again?"
Maybe he can give me an idea.
"I don't even know," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, uh," I'm struggling to find out what to say......"You're helping new people move in"
Jessica told me about them as I drove her to work.

"That's fine with me," Henry said. "Just let me change my clothes; I may have had a wet dream in detention."

He walked upstairs.
I felt my face become one of disgust......ok, I hope it was a good one. He's a stressed-out kid.

"Henry," I called upstairs. "Get in the car."
I walked over to the front door car keys in my hand.
He ran down the stairs.

"I'm ready," he said.
"Henry, I'm sorry for yelling, But, I'm just disappointed; you're a good kid; I just don't know why you would act out."

"I did it to get out of a date," Henry said. "That's why it was supposed to be after school, and I did it to get out of going."

I faintly smiled....he's honest with me.

I drove him to the old blue house. If I remember, I'll pick him up.

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