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I'm driving to my job. I work on the main street, as a sales clerk at the department store.
I work in the jewelry department. I've worked there since Joey was born.

I sighed as I pulled into the Hybrid parking garage.
Ok, another day of trying to convince old human women to buy jewelry.
I unbuckle my seatbelt and step out of the car. It's a hybrid model; it's the same as a human car, but with holes for hybrids to put their tails/wings in.
I had to save up for three years to pay for this. But it's easier to get here with it.

"Justin!" I heard a familiar voice yell behind me.
I turned around and saw Damien; he's a......mix breed.

Let me explain.

Hybrids don't have to be the same kind to have children; we have the same biology as humans, just a few extra parts.
Damien is a mixed breed; that's what we call someone with two different types of Hybrids DNA.

He is a mix between a cat and a wolf.

"Hey, Damien," I said. I turned around to see him.

He has blood-red eyes; they may seem terrifying, but when you get to know him, he's a sweetheart.
He has Wolf ears and a cat tail; during the first two years working here, he hid the tail down his pants. Mixing isn't against the law; it is just embarrassing.

But Damien is a nice guy, so I don't mind.

"Hows Jacksons.....problem?" He asked me.
He walked up to me, and we walk to the store. The garage we're allowed to park in is about a block away.

"He's alright" I said....it was a lie. We still didn't know what was wrong with him. He cries for no reason, has trouble paying attention in school, and.....he didn't speak until he was five years old.
The others did it surprisingly early.
Joey at 1.
Henry at Six months.
Justine and Jason both at 3
But Jackson was the late talker. He asks as if he was still a toddler. It's repetitive.

I'm very concerned.......what should I do?

Damien must have seen my face.

"Justin," He said worriedly."You don't need to worry; he'll grow out of it."
He smiled at me, and my heart filled with hope. He's right. He might.

We both walked into the store through the staff entrance. The other employees we're wearing the same thing as us, a dark brown jacket with our name tags on it. Also, on the back of it was the logo of the store. 'Tipton Department Store'

We entered into the jewelry department; there was a new thing on display.
"Oh, this is new." I said, looking at the glass case. It's in.

"Yeah," Damien said

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"Yeah," Damien said. "It's 535 Dollars."

My eyes widened.
"Wow, who could afford this." I said, surprised.

"I don't think anyone will," Damien said. "Mr.Tipton is just insane."

"what was that?" I heard behind me.
Damien and I jumped at the voice.
Behind us was our boss, Wilfred Tipton.
He's an older man around 65; he has greying hair and brown eyes.
He's wearing a green plaid suit, and a fedora.
"Nothing!" Damien yelled. He doesn't want to lose his job; he once fired someone just for looking at him funny.

"Ok," He said......by the tone of his voice, I guess he didn't believe him.

He walked away from us, giving each of us the stink eye. We shuttered at this.
"That was too close," I muttered.
"Yeah," Damien said.
The store's opening soon, we should get to our posts.

I get to my station behind the counter; the counter was pretty dirty, so I started cleaning.

"Excuse me." I heard a woman say.
I looked up from my cleaning.
I see an older woman with bridge grey hair, wearing an old dress that has been taken care of for years. She has violet eyes.

"Can I help you with anything, ma'am?" I asked.

"Well," She said, looking over the selection. "What about that one."
He pointed to the new necklace in the case.
"Oh, well, we just got that in today," I said; I walked over to the case and opened it; I carefully took the necklace out.
"It looks lovely," She said.
I held it out for her to see.
"Yes, it's made from Diamonds," I said."And i'm pretty sure one of my ancestors mined them out by force, so you know they're right," I joked.
People usually don't laugh.
But she did.
"You are a hilarious man," She said. "Do you mind helping me put it on."
I did so.
I pulled a small mirror over to her.
She admired herself in it.
We took it off and gave it to me.
"Could you wrap this up for me?" She asked.
Wait she can afford this?

"Of course, ma'am," I said. Getting ready.

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