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I Sighed..... it been a day, and nothing happened. I gave that girl the number yesterday and........nothing.

I just kept sitting there in the living room, staring at the telephone that had come with the house.

"Come on," I muttered.
I mean, it's not like I like her or anything....I'm just concerned about her.

I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Jackson asked me. He's sitting next to me watching Bendy.
"Nothing," I said. "It's just; I gave this Eagle girl the phone number and......i don't know."
Jackson interrupted me.

Then Jackson started crying

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Then Jackson started crying.
Oh, God. I forgot, don't tell at Jackson!
"You yelled at me!" Jackson cried. He held his teddy bear close.
"Oh no, baby bro, I'm sorry," I said, sitting next to him. Whenever a loud noise occurs, he starts crying and yelling.
I mean, my ears are as sensitive as his, but maybe it's something wrong with his brain?
"B-b-but," He muttered.
"You want to go out for Ice cream?" I asked worriedly. Please calm down. Dad's going to punish me.
Jackson sniffed." Really?" he quivered his lip in a begging way.
"Yeah, let's get you dressed," I said.

"Yeah, let's get you dressed," I said

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I grabbed Jackson. He's tiny and too light. I lifted him onto my back.

"Wee, Jason Piggyback!" Jackson cheered.
I carry him up the stairs to his and Justine's room. The door was already open.
I pushed through it carefully.
Justine was sitting on the floor listening to a small radio on her bedside table. A short talk show was happening in the situation in Russia.
She's wearing a blue dress with ripples on the skirt.

"Hi, Justine," Jackson cheered, still on my back.

She turned down her radio.
"Hey Jackson, let me guess Jason made you cry, so he's taking you out for ice cream?" She asked.

I felt my eyes widened.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"Are you Phy....Phy?" Jackson said, trying to say, Psychic.

"Physic," I said."It's okay, Jackson. Big words are your cup of milk."
I lifted him off my back and onto the carpeted floor.
"Okie Dokie, I'll get dressed, Justine can you help me?" He asked.

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