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(AN: Mentions of underage smoking....wait, this takes place in the 60s. Everybody smoked; why am I saying this?)

I was breathing heavily in front of the mirror. I had a pair of scissors I had gotten out of the kitchen drawer.

 I had a pair of scissors I had gotten out of the kitchen drawer

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I don't like her; it's just I need her to respect me. I started cutting my hair. I cut the part of my hair that covered my eye and the back of my hair the best I could.

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror......I look like a dork.......a fat dork; I know I shouldn't have eaten breakfast.
I had to borrow some of Henry's clothes were about the same size; I hope he doesn't notice.

I walked to my room. I agreed to meet her at the public library.

I grabbed my spare jacket; I made an extra.....for reasons. It's exactly like mine, but.....different in the decals.
I put it on my back, like a cape. Then I noticed a note on my dresser, just by looking at the message, I could tell it was Justine. She has a strange habit. She only writes on the left side of the paper.
'Dear Jason, for your date with Sabrina, I had the liberty of getting some of Dad's old cologne. He says it's good luck.
XO. Justine.
There was a small brown bottle with some brown liquid in it. It had 'Alpha' written on it in fancy writing.
I know I shouldn't.........but I opened the bottle and dabbed a little on.
I put the bottle down on the dresser and put the lid back on.
I sighed; I hope this goes well.
I went downstairs, and I passed by Dad, sitting on a chair by the window.
Is he drinking? It must have been a bad day.
"I'll be going out with the pack, don't wait up," I joked.
He didn't look at me; I don't even think he heard me. I opened the front door and left. Joey had taken the car, and I can't drive yet.
So, I'll have to walk to the library. I took off, walking out of the neighborhood, which I call foundry forest.
As I went into town, I passed by numerous places, stores, and all the while, people would stare at me.
I usually felt eyes on me all the time when I was out in public.
I just ignored them and went to the library. It was a two-story brick building with two large birch doors inscribed with tree branches.
Sabrina was waiting for me; she was standing at the front steps.
She's wearing a light grey dress, with a small white cross around her neck.
"Hello Sabrina," I said, walking over to her. She turned towards me. She looked at me in confusion, and then recognition was in her eyes.
"Jason?" She said," You cut your hair......badly."
" What's wrong with it?" I said, playing with a strand of hair in front of my face.
"I'll help you fix it later," Se said, patting me on my left shoulder.
"So, before we go, let's go inside; I have some friends I want you to meet," I said. I lead her inside.
The inside had large dark oak bookshelves lining the walls and big boring books of various colors.
The boys and I hung out in a small unused area of the library. It's ancient and dusty; I had to clean it because of Aarons's sensitive nose.
Weird because he smokes, but I don't think he minds.

We walked past the librarian, who's a wolf hybrid mixed with a bear. I can tell because of the tail.

I walked in and said.

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