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I'm very bored, And I'm in pain, a bad combination.
Dad said he was going to get me some Advil to stop my cramping lower back.
I won't be going to school today.....maybe that's a good thing? Nobody will miss me if I don't go.
I don't matter to most of those people; some pretend to care, they say they're my friends, but.....I honestly don't know what that actually means.

I sighed, then my dad came in with a black mug and some pills. He places the cup on my bedside table. I forced myself to sit up. I groaned as I did; the cramping flared up.

 I groaned as I did; the cramping flared up

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"I will," I told him. He's worried, and I want him not to worry.
After I took the pills, I set the mug on the bedside table.
"Okay, try and get some sleep; call for me if you need anything," Dad said as he left my room
I sighed and laid back down.

I didn't know I fell asleep until I woke up to my door slamming shut.
I let my eyelids open, and I saw a few comics at the foot of my bed.
"Jason," I sighed.
Okay 1.2.3
I forced myself up. The pain was decreased but still there.
I grabbed one at random.
I opened it up.

The city of Highfront was built atop a breathtaking fjord and is truly a contemporary metropolis. Its allure is matched by the backdrop of mighty mountains which have helped shape the city to what it is today.
The resources these mountains brought were of great importance. Still, they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings have been built with rocks from those very same mountains.

Ugh, all these books are the same. Oh look, the guy with the glasses and hat is in focus.
Oh, he's the superhero? I would never would have guessed. Oh, tights and a cape. So amazing!

(he's sarcastic if you couldn't tell)

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