"Best Friend Boyfriend Stealer"

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"I'm just saying if half the guys in this town were even the slightest bit unperverted why do we have to sell this crap?" You said shoving a movie case with a half naked girl on the front into one of the shelves.

Randy looked back at you with a questioning look, his head was resting in his arms which were on top on the shelves. "It's not only guys who buy this crap." He said picking up a case from the cart you had in front of you.

"Yeah right." You said picking your eyes up from the shelves to face all the men around not wanting to look to eager to get their nasty hands on the latest shipment.

Stocking the porn section always made you uncomfortable, especially with Randy at your side helping you. Out of all your friends Randy had been your friend for the longest and it was only fitting the two of you worked in the same store.

"Oh shit." He said looking past the shelves.

"What?" You said trying to follow where he was looking, but coming up empty.

"It's your ex, Steve." He rolled his eyes and grabbed the cart, "Get out of the porno section, for Christ sake."

You quickly got yourself out of the mix of shelves and went up to the front desk to help a nice looking lady with a basket of movies at her side.

Randy went to met Steve and keep him from another awkward talk with you. After Steve and you had split he moved on to one of your closest friends, Casey, which left a sort of damp spot on your friendship.

"Geez," Randy sighed walking over to the counter.

"What? Did Steve say something?" You asked concerned.

"No, I just don't understand how you could have ever dated a guy like that." Randy laughed to himself, joining you behind the counter.

"Oh shut up, when we were dating he was actually nice, then he went sex crazy."

"Well now is not the time to talk about it." Randy hissed japing a finger in the direction of Steve walking up to the counter.

"Shit." You slapped at Randy's finger still pointing at Steve so he wouldn't notice.

"Hi," Steve says with a flirty smile on his face. "I'm planning a movie night tonight, with my girlfriend."

"Give me a break." You mumbled under your breath rolling your eyes.

"You think this movie would be a good one to set the mood?" He continued sliding a movie case across the counter towards you.

Everyone Says I Love You, The musical had just come out this year and was one of your latest shipments. Two couples had bought it recently and both had ended up separated.

"Sure is!" You said with a wide smile, "I know Casey loves musicals."

Randy bumped into you slightly and gave you a facial expression that told you he knew exactly what you were doing. You brushed him off and checked out the movie for Steve.

The whole time you gave him a fake smile, "You two are going to enjoy that one." You said shoving a bad toward him with the movie in it. "Bye."

"Ugh, Casey doesn't like musicals, she always used to complain about them to me. He should know that about her." You told Randy crossing your arms as you made sure Steve was out of ear-shot range.

"You really have to get over your jealousy problem." Randy said resting against the counter right next to where you were standing.

"I do not have a jealousy problem!" You huffed back, "It's only fair, best friend boyfriend stealer." You mumbled.

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