"Are You In Trouble?"

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It's not dying that's the hard part, it's surviving.

It was easy to close your eyes and say goodbye to this world, but struggling to stay conscious is way more difficult.

Randy is the first person you see when you wake up. He has a sling on and looks seriously beat up, you must have not noticed how seriously he was injured.

"Are you okay?" You ask, trying to sit up but instantly regretting it.

Randy jumps a little, not noticing you were awake, in the cushioned chair he is sitting in. "Geez you're asking me if I'm okay? Are you okay?"

You pause collecting your thoughts.

"I'm okay though." Randy finishes. "Just took a bullet to the shoulder but I'll survive unlike you-"

"Oh knock it off." You laugh. "I would throw this pillow at you if I could move." You sigh, it is possible for you to move but it hurts a shit ton so you decide against it.

Randy is quiet for a moment. "Billy Loomis is dead, apparently he wasn't the only killer though Stu's missing. Did you know that?"

You stay quiet not wanting to spill to much that he doesn't already know.

"Was Stu the one who actually stabbed you?"

"What no!" You quickly add. "It was Billy like I said, I wasn't lying Randy. I was half dying why would I lie?"

"Because you were trying to cover up for somebody."


"I'm not an idiot." Randy jumps up from the chair. "I know somebody was in there with you while Gale shot Billy, and it's not such a stretch to assume it was Stu. For Christ's sakes I mean he was the only one still alive."

You're at a loss for words.

"Come on." Randy sits on the end on the hospital bed. "Your silence says it all. Fuck-"

"Randy be logical here, I would never cover up for a murderer. Stu didn't kill anyone."

"So what he planned it all while Billy did the shit work?" Randy asks, "Stu was just watching, huh?"

You bring your hands to your face, which shoots immense pain to your left side, and cover eyes.

"I don't know Randy, I really don't. And I didn't have many options either, believe him or not, I still ended up here." You put your hands down and look up at Randy.

"You're right it really doesn't matter, but what does matter is that Stu is still out there." Randy's voice drops down to a whisper. "If what you're saying is true, do you truly believe he isn't a threat right now?"

"Yes," You say after a brief pause, "I truly believe he doesn't have it in him to kill anyone."

Randy sighs and stands up, pacing the room for a good ten minutes.

"Okay, what is it?" You finally say after having enough.

"I've got to go." Is all he says. "Dewey is planning on stopping by later today." He says leaving the room without even a good bye.

"Okay," You sigh and close your eyes.

The phone on the bedside table rings before you can drift off to sleep.

"Christ! Why do they even have a phone in here?" It was a small hospital, you must have gotten stuck with some phone the doctors forgot to take out.

Caller ID just became a thing but it seems like the hospital didn't have it.

"Hello?" You say picking up the phone.

The only sound heard on the other end was heavy breathing.

"Hello?" You ask again. "I'm going to hang up."

"Wait don't" The voice says, you recognize it instantly.

"Stu?" You asked shocked.

There's a long pause.

"Yeah..." Another pause. "Told you we'd speak again, didn't I?"

"Stu what are you doing? You can't be calling here, you're going to get arrested." You whisper into the phone, not trying to draw any unnecessary attention from the nurses outside your room.

"It's a little late for that, isn't it."

"Stu what the hell does that mean? Are you in jail?"

More breathing.

"No." He finally says.


"Can you just tell me something." Stu almost yells on the other end.

You go silent waiting for him to continue.

"Can you just please tell me- I don't even care, I don't fucking care if you're lying. Just please tell me you love me." Stu sighs.

You're still silent, shocked by the whole situation.

"Stu what's going on? Are you in trouble?"

He laughs.

"You can't, can you? You can't even say you love me. I don't even fucking care if it isn't true." His laughs almost sound like sobs. "I guess I can't fucking blame you, can I? I did kill all our friends."

"Wait- What? I thought you said Billy-"

"Well guess what I fucking lied." He takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just meant that... we did it for you- I did it for you."

You don't respond.

"I wanted to be with you. Please don't tell anyone-" His tone switches quickly. "I called when Randy left so this would be our secret, I-"

"What?" Your voice shakes as you interrupt Stu.

You jump up from the bed, ignoring all the excruciating pain as you go, and race to the window.

It's pitch black outside, as you slam the window shade shut.

"Everything okay in here?" A nurse asks making you jump.

"Don't-" Stu's voice says over the phone.

"Um, yeah, I just uh-"

"You shouldn't be up."

"Oh yeah of course." You say climbing back into the bed, anything to make the nurse satisfied and walk away. That seemed to do it, she gave you a forced smile and walked out.

It takes a lot to calm yourself down and bring the phone back up to your ear.

"I wish you just would have said I love you, it would have made everything so much easier-" The phone cuts out.

"What? Stu- Wait?" You slam the phone down and rub your eyes.

He wouldn't hurt you. Would he?

"You're awake!" Dewey's voice says from the door. "How are you doing?"

Kill For You // Stu MacherWhere stories live. Discover now