"It's Got Our Voices!"

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"So we're going to a murder party?" Randy asks you as you stand in the kitchen of his hotel room. "Sounds like a great idea, may I remind you what happened last time we went to a party when a serial killer was roaming around." Randy eyed Stu.

"Yeah, we're well aware. But Randy doesn't this feel like the final chapter to you? Like after this it's over, the killer reveals him or herself and we all gasp, we kill the killer, and then we go home." You say.

"Or the killer kills us and Hell becomes our new home for all eternity." Randy crosses his arms. "If we're lucky the killer kills us, but we get Heaven instead."

"Well let's decide soon this party starts now." Stu says flipping the invitation over to see if anything is on the back.

Randy looks at you, you stare back at him, not changing your mind anytime soon.

"Fine!" Randy finally says. "But I've got a bad feeling about this and I've gotten pretty used to saying 'I told you so' over the last few years."

"Yeah, yeah." You roll your eyes. "Dewey and Gale are probably already there by now, along with the cast, so we should head out."

You three hurry out to your car and drive off to Milton's house, where Roman's party was. It's a twenty minute drive from the studio.

The house is enormous when you pull up to the front, Dewey's car is parked out front along with a few others.

"Hollywood fucks profiting off our trauma." Randy mumbles in the passenger seat as you park the car and he stares at the large house. It was a rough fight between him and Stu as to who got the front seat.

"Well this is it." Stu says leaning his head up between the two of you. "You guys should probably stay behind me, I've been to jail, I can handle anything."

"You've been to a sheriff's office baby, not quite the same thing." You smile as you get out of the car.

"Hey guys!" Roman says as he walks out of the front door. "Come on in, welcome to the party!"

"God this house is incredable." You hear the fake Sidney say as you walk through the doors, she was right.

Milton's house looked like something straight out of a F. Scott Fitzgerald novel, it was very old Hollywood.

"Supposably, Milton has like a secret screening room that was popular back in the 70s, you know like drinking, drugs and girls and movies and shit." Roman says.

"Wow, wish I could have seen it." Angelina says, with a big smile on her face as her eyes wander around the main room.

You glance towards Randy and you make eye contact with him, giving you a weird look.

Angelina seems too excited to be here.

"Does she even know a serial killer is on the loose and probably in this house with us right now?" Stu whispers next you.

You look up at him. "You literally just read my mind."

"Well a big old screening room shouldn't be to hard to find, I'm going to go look around." Roman says.

You wanted to warn him to be careful but Dewey and Gale walk in through the side door before you could say anything.

"Woah, woah, woah! You want to go exploring when there's a psycho killer on the loose?" Tyson says, speaking up for the first time. "It this big ass mansion?"

"Who's going exploring?" Dewey asks.

"Have you even seen the Stab movies?" Tyson continues.

"I'll go with you." Jennifer says, you turn towards her, out of everyone you would think she would have some sense to not go off by herself with a potential killer.

"Great!" Roman scoffs. "Anyone else want to join."

"I'll go." Angelina adds. "Only if we stick together." She pulls Tyson along with the group and they walk into the halls, leaving you, Stu, Randy, Gale, and Dewey by yourselves.

"Well, we better go investigate too." Gale says, turning to Dewey.

"What?" Randy exclaims. "Am I the only one who thinks going off by ourselves is a bad idea?"

"Well if those four are investigating, we better go too just to get a better layout of the house, incase of anything." Gale shrugs.

Gale grabs Dewey by the jacket and takes him down the opposite hallway Roman and his group went.

"Where is the big bad Milton anyways?" Stu asks, fiddling with the glass sculpture on a side table.

"At another party?" Randy shrugs.

"Probably anywhere but here, considering things could go wrong any second." You add.

"Or he's putting on his Ghostface mask right now and hiding out in the back yard." Stu says eyeing you.

"Maybe we should go exploring." Randy says.

"What?" You give him a questioning look.

"Well it's either that or we sit here like sitting ducks, I mean there's three of us, safety in numbers my dear." Randy smiles as he quotes the movie Clue that you, Sidney, Randy, Tatum, Billy, and Stu all watched while sitting on your couch freshman year.

"Ok fine, but we aren't going to purposely put ourselves in danger." You say, feeling your side. "I don't feel like getting stabbed again any time soon."

"I promise." Randy says.

The three of you start to walk through the hall that Roman started going, Stu stops to check in all the closets.

On his third closet opening, he stops. "No fucking way." You hear him gasp from behind you.

"Stu?" You and Randy turn around to see him staring at the bottom of a small closet.

You walk over and gasp. On the floor of the closet, on top of a pile of clothes and black fabric, lies the Ghostface mask, phone, and voice changer.

"Oh my God it's got our voices!" You say as you press a button and it plays back your words in Roman Bridger's voice.

"Oh my God it's got us all." Randy gasps as he takes the voice changer from your hands and inspects all the different buttons.

"We have to get to Gale and Dewey." You say looking down the hall.

"What about the others?" Randy asks.

"You mean the group that has a killer in it? Maybe all of them are in on it together." Stu says.

"Ah!" You exclaim as you turn the corner and run right into Tyson.

"God!" He says hitting into you.

"Where are the others?" You ask, after calming yourself down.

"I don't know, I lost them in this place."

"How do you just happen to lose three other people?" Randy eyes him.

"What's going on here?" He says, looking at your panic faces.

"Looks like Stab 3 is back in production." Stu says.

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