Did He Know Something?

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"Is this a wrap party, or is this a wrap party?" The actor who played Dewey said as he shredded the now useless script in his hands.

You didn't even give him a glance as paper landed on your knee. Stu sat beside you and leaned his head back against the backboard of the couch as he let out a sigh.

"Told you this would be boring." You turned your head to him and whispered in his ear.

He turned to face you with a hint of a grin on his face. "I wonder if they would notice if we snuck off?" He whispered back.

"I seriously doubt they would."

Stu smiled and gave you a quick kiss.

You gasped. "PDA!" You giggled as you kit him on the shoulder.

Stu smiled and stood up extending a hand to you, you took it and were about to follow him. You were right no one even noticed you were now standing.

"Scene 34. Maureen's Murder Flashback." The fake Dewey continued.

"I never liked that scene." You heard Angelina say, the girl who was playing Sidney.

You looked past her as Dewey entered the door.

"That's because you weren't in it." Tom continued.

Dewey gave you a glance before he and Jennifer left the room.

You looked over the others before grabbing Stu's hand and dragging him into a small hallway. Past the bathroom and into a room with a large bed in it.

"A bed fit for a top paid actress I guess." You said.

"Anything's fine as long as your in it baby." He smiled as he tugged your wrist to join him on the bed.

"That was so cheesy." You giggled as you laid down beside him.

Stu gently pushed your hair behind your ear, landing his hand on the back of your head and kissed you passionately as his other free hand moved along your upper thigh.

Stu started kissing your neck and moving down you chest, that's when you turned your head and noticed something outside the window.

A dark figure hurrying past.

"Stu!" You gasped pushing his shoulder.

"Yeah?" He whispered in-between kisses.

"Stu-" You pushed him off and sat up. "Someone's outside."

"What?" He looked towards the window and stood up.

You grabbed his wrist before he could go any further. "Don't go out there."

Stu looked down at you then back at the window.

"Don't. Let's just go warn-" Before you could finish your sentence there was a crash outside that made you and Stu turn your attention to the window. "Come on." You grabbed his hand and hurried to the living room.

Before either you or Stu could say something to the group the bodyguard walked in with Gale by his side. "Look who I found slinking around the yard."

"This is who we stopped for, her?" Stu scoffed, he rolled his eyes and looked back at you, you returned his glance with a bump in the side as you saw the annoyed look on Gale's face.

"Not the time." You whispered back to him.

"What's this about Gale?" Dewey asked as he and Jennifer made their way to the living room. Jennifer shot Gale one glance and then headed into the kitchen with her bodyguard and the other actors.

"Did you know they released Roman." You gave Gale a confused look. "Sarah's call didn't come from his cell phone." She continued.

"Ok so where did it come from then?" You asked. Gale took her eyes of Dewey and looked towards you and Stu.

"Nice to see that you're both here. Together." She remarked.

"Where did it come from Gale." Dewey repeated your question.

"A clone cell phone. It's untraceable."

"It could still be him though." You knew this story all to well, there was always a chance that it was still Roman who was using the clone.

Gale nodded.

"Thanks for that update, Gale." Dewey sighed in annoyance. "Why don't you just go back home?"

"Dewey, wait a minute. Just wait one second." Gale grabbed a paper from the counter. Your eyes followed them as you felt Stu's hands against your arms, he still apparently wasn't over the fact that your night together was cut short.

"How old do you think Maureen Prescott is in this picture?" Gale asked holding the picture up to Dewey, you shifted a bit to get a good few of it.

"19? 20?" Dewey said silently.

"That's what I thought, so I checked it out. I can't find any information about her at this age, I mean nothing."

"Well someone in Woodsboro must know something. I mean didn't she live there her whole life?" You chimed in.

"Almost." Gale replied.

"What do you mean?" Stu asked.

You could hear the confusion in his voice. Two years ago when this whole thing started, Billy claimed he killed Maureen. Stu had told you that he had nothing to do with the murders, that he served as Billy's alibi. But Billy must have known a lot about Maureen.

He probably shared all he knew with Stu.

"Two years before Maureen met Sidney's father, she left Woodsboro. No one has any idea where she went or what she did, I mean it's like she fell into a black hole, Dewey!"

Stu shifted behind you. Did he know something?

"So?" Dewey seemed more confused than you did.

"So why is the killer leaving pictures of Maureen? And why these pictures at that point in her life?"

"I don't know! If I thought like a homicidal maniac, then I'd know how a homicidal maniac thinks." Dewey sighed.

You scrunched your face out of confusion at that last statement.

Dewey's face changed and he immediately snatched the pictures out of Gales hands.

"What?" You asked, your eyes falling on the pictures again.

"Jennifer." He stated.

"Jennifer?" You and Gale both asked in unison as Dewey fled the room with Gale right behind him.

Stu started out of the room as well but you touched your hand to his chest causing him to stop.

"You're being uncharacteristically quiet." You looked up at him.

When he returned your statement with a confused glance you continued. "Do you know anything about Maureen or where she was those years?"

Stu didn't respond.

Kill For You // Stu MacherWhere stories live. Discover now