"I Know What You're Up To"

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You woke up to Tatum getting ready for school, the clock read 6:23.

"Good morning!" Tatum said excitedly as she jumped onto your bed and sat by your feet.

"Why are you so cheery?" You asked, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. "It's to early for that."

"Have you forgotten what today is?" Tatum's words were left hanging there as you gave her a blank stare.

"Stu's party is tonight." She sighed.

"Oh right. You know he still hasn't invited me."

"There isn't really invitations, you just go." Tate got up and waked to the bathroom.

As you were left alone, an eerie feeling of being watched creeped up on you. You got up and walked to the window. It was still to dark to see anything, you drew the blinds closed and shook off the feeling.

There was a knock at the door and Dewey poked his head in.

"Geez Dewey, do you know how to respect privacy?" Tatum asked, she was standing in the doorway to the bathroom and was brushing her hair.

"I knocked." Dewey replied innocently.

"Normally people wait to be invited in after they knock." You laughed, a little embarrassed you were still in your night clothes.

"Well, sorry. I just wanted to remind you girls I'm driving you to school today. We're leaving in an hour."

"Great, pulling up to school in Deputy Dewey's squad car." Tatum scoffed and walked back into the bathroom.

"Thanks Dewey." You said after Tatum's remark.

"No problem." There was a short, awkward silence. "How are you doing?" Dewey asked, breaking the quiet.

"I'm good. Thanks." You sighed. Dewey nodded and left, closing the door behind him.

You and Tatum followed him out and got into his car. Dewey drove you to school and waved goodbye to the both of you.

"Boo!" Randy jumped out at you and Tate making you both jump.

"Randy you goon!" Tatum yelled smacking his arm. Randy had on a fake zombie mask.

"Come on it's Halloween! Did you really expect me not to scare the shit out of you?" Randy laughed and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"Whatever." You giggled and rolled your eyes.

The three of you headed inside the school building and walked towards your lockers. Randy was babbling on about some wacked costumer he had at the blockbuster last night, while Tatum was doing everything she could to not listen to the story.

"Hey here comes Sidney." Tatum said, waving Sid over.

Randy spun around and stared at Sidney as she came over.

"Man what do you think I have to do to get with her?" He sighed.

"Get a new face." Tatum laughed, "Actually just a whole new body."

"Words hurt." Was the last thing you heard Randy say before the bell rung and the four of you dispersed off to class.

You had English with Stu first and decided this would be the best time to ask him about the party.

Trying to act like you were mad about not getting an invited yet you put on you best annoyed face.

"Hey!" Stu said innocently as you took the empty seat next to him.

"I know what you're up to Stu." You said not looking him in the eye.

"What?" He laughed obviously confused.

"This thing you're doing, I know you did it last year and I'm not happy I'm not involved." You were trying your hardest to not smile.

"You want to be part of it?" He asked slowly. "Do you- know?" His voice dropped down to a whisper. "What did Billy tell you?"

"Stu I'm talking about your party tonight." You laughed. "I was just joking around, lighten up." You said when you saw how tense he was.

"Oh yeah" He gave a weak laugh. "I mean that's what I was talking about to. Of course I was going to invite you and I told Billy about it so..." He trailed off.

You gave him a weird questioning look and then started working on the assignment the teacher had given you.

After first period Tatum met up with you in the halls and told you about her idea to go shopping for some food for the party with you, her and Sidney. It was a good plan, after all everyone at the party loves the people who supply the food.

Not to mention you needed to ask her about Stu and how weird he had acted previously. Something was up with him and Billy but then again maybe you were just overthinking things.


"See you at the party tonight." Randy said to you as you got into Tatum's car and she pulled out of the school parking lot.

"I don't know how I feel about this party tonight." Sidney sighed from the backseat of the car.

"Oh come on Sid. Stu's parties are always the hit of the year, plus free alcohol." She smiled to herself.

"It seems that everyone has forgotten there is a killer roaming around." Sidney interjected.

"Sid there will be so many people around that a killer couldn't possible try to attack you." You said giving her a reassuring smile. Although you weren't so sure what you said was true.

Everyone there would be so black out drunk that if someone were to pull out a knife no one would even be able to make it out as a weapon.

"Yeah Sid, and I'm sure if you ever feel unsafe you can just curl up to your hunk boyfriend Billy." Tatum and you laughed slightly.

"Wish I could say the same." Tatum rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean? Stu's there for you." You said.

"Yeah but have you seen him? He couldn't win in a fight against my grandma and she's ninety-five."

"I seriously doubt that Tate." You laughed. For just a minute you thought of what it would be like to have Stu by your side, watching out for you. But then quickly pushed that though out of your head as you remember you were sitting next to his girlfriend.

"Well that could be a good thing." Sidney said.

"How do you figure?" Tatum looked at Sid through the mirror.

"If he's the killer, you have a good chance of fighting him off."

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