"Dead On Campus."

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"You're telling me that Cotton Weary attacked you in the library yesterday?" Randy asked.

You and Randy were the only two at the lunch table, all your other friends were still getting their food.

"Keep your voice down," You say looking around at everyone at other tables. "And no, he didn't attack me. He just cornered me and tried to make a deal."

"Why is this guy so obsessed with fame?" Randy took a bite of his apple.

"Dude, people kill for fame, I'm sure that's what our copycat killer is doing too.

Randy jumps a little as something came to his mind, "Speaking of the killer I have some important news about Stu."

"What?" You drop everything. "You're fucking with me what is it?"

"Yesterday night I think, well I'm positive he-"

Randy was cut off in his tracks as Hallie got to the table. "Hey!! What's happening?" She said with a big smile on her face, there was obviously something she wanted to say.

"Randy what was it? What happened?" You asked turning back to him.

"I'll tell you later." He motioned towards Hallie, trying to keep her out of the Stu loop. "Anyways I've got to go, see you later." Randy waved goodbye.

You pushed your tray away from yourself, you had lost your appetite.

"Hey guys?" Mickey came up to the table, he spoke in a whisper voice.

"Something the matter, tough guy?" Hallie asked.

Mickey turned towards you, "You think I could interview you for my documentary?" He said, he had a look on his face that told you he knew the answer was going to be no.

"Oh yeah, she's turned down Prime Time Live, 20-20 and Dateline, but for you yeah, sure." Hallie answered for you.

"Look anyway, I've been thinking about this whole murder thing. Have you checked out Randy?" Mickey says, focuses on something different. "He seems all messed up in the head."

"What?" You laugh. "Yeah after all the shit we've been through I'm sure he's out for revenge."

Before Mickey could respond, Derek sat down at the table, all frustrated and worried.

"Derek?" Mickey asked, giving you a side glance, you shook your head. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Derek sighed, "This morning, I woke up with this feeling. I didn't know how to deal with and so I-" he started to sing. "just decided to myself that I'd hide it to myself."

"What is he doing?" You bent close to Mickey and asked as Derek continued to sing.

"Tom Cruise, Top Gun 1986." Mickey whispered back to you.

"Derek don't." Hallie said with a little smile.

"I think I love you!" Derek shouted crawling across the table towards Hallie.

"Don't do this." She continued to say.

"I think I love you!" The whole cafeteria turned to face him now. "Isn't that what life is made of? Though it worries me to say, I've never felt this way-"

Derek hopped up on the table. "I think I love you!"

Mickey started to clap, you did as well.

"So what am I so afraid of? I'm afraid that I'm not sure of that a love that-" The doors to the cafeteria opened and the whole place paused.

Everyone looked up to see the principal, but then turned back to Derek and clapped as Hallie ran to him and gave him a big kiss.

"It's that a bit frat-faux pas?" Mickey asked as you watched Derek give Hallie his Greek letters necklace.

"Oh yeah, that's a big no-no. See your not supposed to give your Greek letters to your girl, no shape, way or form. The brothers are going to kick his ass." You laugh. "But it's tradition."

"But it's tradition." Mickey scoffed.

The fun was cut short when the principal walked over to your table, "Derek's busted." Mickey whispered.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your lunch but will you please join me in my office?" The principal asked looking down at you.

"Me?" You asked, giving Mickey a quick confused glance, he returned it with shrug.

"Yes it will be quick."

You got up and walked back to his office with him, Dewey was there waiting for you when you arrived.

Shit, this was high school all over again, when the Sherriff wanted to assign you body guards. That didn't turn out to well.

"Hey." Dewey gave you a soft grin.

"What's going on?" You asked as you sat down.

"Last night a girl by the name of Cici Cooper was found dead on campus." Dewey said, you froze in your seat. "She was brutally stabbed in the back and then thrown from sorority house balcony."

"Wait..." You didn't know what to say. "This can't be..."

"Right before she died, she got a phone call, from an unknown number." Dewey said, shattering all your hopes that this was just a random murder.


"If you need officers to protect you I won't hesitate to call up the station-" Dewey said as you made your way outside the main building.

"Thanks Dewey but you remember how it went last time I had body guards. I don't want to put any more lives in danger." You say cutting him off.

Right as he was about to respond a fimilar voice called out to the two of you, you both looked out into the campus to see Gale Weathers, surprisingly by herself.

"Hi Gale." Dewey said with a slight tone of annoyance.

"You don't have to pretent to hate her for my sake." You say under your breath to him.

He just gives you a look that implies he doesn't know what you're talking about.

"Look I'm not here to start a fight, I just want a serious talk." Gale says following you and Dewey across the campus. "I'm sure you've heard by now about Cici." She says making you stop in your tracks.

"Are you still going to stand around and act like this isn't all fucking connected?" Gale says.

You turn to her. "I know it's connected Gale. I know there's a copycat killer out there. But I'm not going to go on your little show and draw more attention to myself for the killer to get to me."

"The show is on a pause right now-"

"Really?" Dewey laughs. "How will you survive?"

"Oh shove it Dewey." Gale sighs. "I put it on a pause because I want to actually help you catch this guy, no cameras."

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to put myself-" You paused mid sentence, something from behind Gale and Dewey's back caught your eye.

Dewey turned around to see what you were looking at. But it was to late, Stu had already stepped out of view.

A/n: Hey guys! thanks for all the support! Little chat about this chapter:
i really really really love the scene where Derek is singing in the cafeteria, so i didn't want to cut it out just cause Sidney is dead, but i do feel weird about putting Hallie and Derek as a couple. i don't know why, i love both the characters but not as a couple.
anyway i just wanted to say that because i won't be writing about them together anymore, but they're still together.
i just don't know how to write it withiout it being awkward... i hope that makes sense.

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