"You Haven't Died Yet."

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The school bell rang and kids ran to their first morning classes. You took your seat in history and prepared yourself for a boring day.

All of a sudden the principal's voice was heard over the intercom, asking for you to come down to the office. The teacher looked at you and told you to gather your things, obviously you weren't coming back until class was over.

"Ah, you're here. Good!" Principal Himbry exclaimed as you walked into his office.

"Is everything good?" You asked as you walked in to see Sheriff Burke standing with Himbry.

"Well you might want to take a seat for this." Sheriff said motioning towards the couch in Himbry's office.

You walked towards the couch, not taking your eyes off Sheriff until you got seated.

"Now, I'm positive there is no need for you to worry. Sheriff is just taking extra precautions here." Himbry said, sitting next to you on the couch as you scooted away a bit.

"What do you mean? Why would I have to worry?" You asked.

"But you don't have to worry-" Himbry stated before Sheriff Burke interrupted him.

"What principal Himbry means to say is, some students have shared their concern about your well being." Burke rested his hands on his belt.

"Wait who, who are the students?" Himbry put a reassuring hand on your shoulder, which made you shiver.

"The students asked for discretion." He sighed, smiling at you.

"The students who expressed to Himbry these concerns seemed convinced they knew you were in immediate danger." Sheriff Burke pulled out a notepad. "So I'm assigning you two officers to stay by you every minute."

He flipped through the notebook and read the two names off of the page he stopped at. "Officer Andrews and... oh gosh my eye sight is going, I think it's Richards." Burke closed his notebook and looked at you.

You were in shock, how could it be this serious? They are actually getting bodyguards to protect you from this freak.

"They will be in a car outside after school ready to take you home." Sheriff Burke got you to your feet and walked with you out of principal's Himbry's office.

"Now I'm sure there isn't a huge threat here, we just like to take extra precautions."

You nodded in agreement, not sure if you actually agreed though.

"Make sure to meet up with them after school. Now hurry along, you don't want to be late for your next class." Sheriff waved you off.

At lunch you met up with the usual friend group to discuss everything that had happened.

"This is insane." You sighed, biting into your sandwich you split with Randy.

"Yeah, I mean, you've already been attacked twice and you haven't died yet. Theses guys are just dead weight." Stu grinned.

"They are going to end up dead." Tate laughed. "Let's face it here, if the killer is after you, won't he stop at nothing to get to you? Meaning he kills whoever is in his path."

"Do you have any idea who those students were?" Billy asked you.

"Not a clue."

"I personally think it's a good idea." Everyone looked at Sidney as she spoke for the first time this lunch. "This fucker isn't playing around here. I'm glad you have someone to watch out for you."

"Yeah unless they get gutted along with the rest of us." Randy said in a playful tone, which only made Sidney more upset.

The rest of the day came and went. Officers Andrews and Richards took you home, the car ride there was completely silent. It showed they were here for strict business.

When they stopped at your house, they let you out and stayed in the car. You tried to offer them a trip inside for some food or water but they politely declined.

On the fridge door there was a note from your mom. It read:

Hey sweetie. It's mom.
Sheriff Burke told me about your new bodyguards. So I hope you don't mind me and your father will be out late working tonight.
If you need anything call
Love you!

You crumbled up the note and threw it in the trash. Walking to the front window, you could see the car parked outside. Andrews and Richards were sitting there in silence. What a boring job.

With nothing else to do you turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until you found something you liked.

After a while, you had some how fallen asleep to the TV and when you woke up it was already dark outside.

A knock on the front door made you jump, but you were calmed when you remembered the two guards outside.

You opened the door to find no one there. The two men were still in their car, you could make out the shape of their heads but that was it.

Quickly you closed the door and tried to calm yourself.

"If there was really someone out there Andrews and Richards would have spotted them." You whispered to yourself.

Right as you reminded yourself of this for the fifth time there was a soft bang coming form upstairs.

"Oh shit." You sighed. If there really was someone here the two officers would have spotted them. Right? You thought to yourself, stepping on the first stair. Glancing upstairs you saw no movement and continued to walk up after deep breaths.

Pausing, you realized something. If you were unsure of something in your house you could just ask Andrews and Richards to take a peek.

You walked back down the stairs and out the front door, closing it behind you just in case. The cold air was refreshing. As you stepped out your porch the sound of the door creaking open made you freeze.

Slowly turning around you let out a sigh of relief when there was no one there. But right as you were about to turn around and head to the car, the ghost-faced figure made an appearance. The person revealed himself from behind your door.

"Fuck no!" You screamed sprinting towards the cop car. As you reached the door you pounded your fist against the window, looking around you for ghost face, who seemed to have disappeared.

"Please help-" You froze mid sentence as you looked inside the car.

Andrews and Richards sat in piles of their own blood. Stab wounds had been slashed into Andrew's chest and one straight into the side of Richard's head. You screamed.

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