"I'll Kill You Myself."

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"Woah gorgeous, clam down." Stu snickered as you opened Tatum's bedroom window.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

"You weren't at my party, which I have to admit is lifeless without you." He winked.

"Very funny Stu, isn't your girlfriend there to give life to your party?" You walked over to the bed and sat down on it.

Stu followed you and sat right beside you.

"She's busy being at Sidney's beck and call." Stu sighed. "Besides you're way more fun." He laughed.

You looked back at him and his eyes met yours. "So are you gonna get me out of here or our we just gonna sit here all night?" You smiled.

"Both options seem good to me." Stu gives you a grin.

"Let's go." You pat him on the leg and stand up walking towards the window.

"Why don't we just go down stairs?" Stu asks.

"Mrs. Riley is down there and Dewey told her not to let me go to this party so we have to sneak out the window." You replied.

Stu nods and follows you out the window and onto the roof. From there you jump down one by one and rush off to Stu's car, which is parked in front of the neighbor's house.

"Stu your car smells like shit!" You say waving your hand in front of your nose.

"Yeah, it's all those dead bodies I hide in my trunk." He laughed.

"Ha ha." You said sarcastically. "That's not the best joke to be saying right now."

"Hey I'm not the killer! That's definitely Billy!" Stu said.

"Dude, he stood up for your sorry ass at lunch and now you're throwing him under the bus?"

"It's not throwing under the bus if it's true." Stu said with certainty in his eyes.

"That's not totally true." You said.

"Fuck the bus analogy. Stay away from Billy." Stu locked eyes with you and gave you a concerning look.

"Eyes on the road." You said trying to get his attention off this weird theory.

The rest of the ride was pretty quiet besides the radio and Stu's occasional one line remarks, usually about new movies in theaters.

Soon you both made your way to Stu's street, even from the first block there was cars lined up from the partiers in Stu's house at the moment.

"Damn Stu, your party is the hit of the century."

"Fuck yeah!" Stu screamed out his window as he pulled into the driveway and passed a few people stumbling drunk in the front yard.

You laughed and got out of the car. As you walked to the house Stu wrapped his arm around your shoulders and walks with you to the front door, high-fiving everyone you pass on the way.

Stu opens the front door for and the first person who notices you happens to be Dewey.

"What are you doing here?" He asks with extreme worry appearing on his face.

"Dewey please, you don't have to worry. Stu's protecting me." You laugh a little looking back up at Stu.

"Yo, I'm so buff I got you covered girl." Stu laughed.

"That's not very reassuring." Dewey grumbles as he take your arm and leads you away from Stu.

"Hey!" Stu calls out, you turn around and give him a confused look before falling Dewey into the next room.

"You shouldn't be here-" He starts.

"What are you so worried about? There's no threat here, I mean I'll be surrounded by people all night." You say convincingly. "My parents will never have to know."

Dewey looks at you for a moment. "Fine." He finally sighs.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You jump up and down.

"But if anything happens, I'll kill you myself." Dewey says harshly.

"You have nothing to worry about." You give him a quick hug and then return to the party.

Stu stands outside the room with two beers in his hands. "For you darling." He jokingly says.

"Thank you." You say as you take one from him. "Hey do you know where Tatum is? I want to let her know I'm here."

"Um, no I'm not sure. I haven't seen her in awhile, she's probably mad at me for some shitty reason and ditched."

"That doesn't really sound like her-" You begin to say but are cut off.

"Well look who decided to show up!" Randy says with a smile as he walks over to you and gives you a one armed hug, his other was taken up by carrying a beer.

"Come hang with us we're watching Halloween." Randy said grabbing your hand.

You started to walk with him but Stu grabbed your wrist and held you back. "Yeah, like she wants to hang out with all the junkies on the couch." He said in a tone that didn't seem familiar to him.

"Stu!" You look back at him, his eyes are locked on Randy as he glares at him.

"Dude, it's whatever." Randy said letting go of your hand.

"No Randy it's fine I want to go with you." You gave Stu a confused look and followed Randy into the living room.

You needed an excuse to get away from Stu anyways, things were getting to close with the two of you.

Randy sat next to you on the couch and you rested your head on his chest, still holding the beer Stu gave you.

"Holy shit!" Randy said, sitting up a little.

"What?" You asked following his gaze. Your question was immediately answered when you saw Gale Weathers walk into the living room.

"What the hell is she doing here?" You asked Dewey who appeared behind her.

"She's with me!" He gave you a big smile, and turned to Gale who was distracted by some needy fans.

"Sidney's gonna be pissed." You said standing up.

"Is she here?" Randy asked before you finished off your beer and went to find her.

As you walk through the kitchen to find Sidney you start heading towards the garage to see if she slipped out to get some more beer.

"Hey where are you going?" Billy asked, sliding in front of you and pushing your hand off the door nob.

"Gale Weathers is here." You sigh, "I was looking for Sidney to make sure she wasn't having an anxiety attack or something."

"You know I actually think I saw Sidney upstairs." Billy said.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, in Mr. and Mrs. Macher's bed." He grinned.

"You're disgusting Billy." You gave him a grossed-out face. And turned to go find Sidney upstairs.

Away from the garage.

A/n sorry this took so long to post! The thing is this is only chapter 16 and it's already Friday, the FRIDAY, when it all happens. So I think what I'll do is combine Scream 1 & 2, maybe 3, we'll see how things play out, into one book. Hope that's an okay idea for everyone! ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 26K READS THAT SO FREAKING COOL!!!!!!!!!!

Kill For You // Stu MacherWhere stories live. Discover now