'See You Soon'

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"I'm back!" Hallie called through the door as you heard it closed.

"Shit, she wants me to go to the party." You sighed to Randy, thinking the party is the absolute worst idea right now.

"The sorority party? Oh fuck this I'm going to that party." Randy said.

"Randy you didn't even get an invite."

"I'll be your plus one," He said, you replied with a stern look. "Come on please I really need to impress these girls."

"What about the killer?" You ask.

"It's a big assumption that is connected to us, we can figure it out later." Randy stands up to go tell Hallie he's going.

You roll your eyes and follow him out of your room.

"Go change and we'll leave." Hallie says as you walk out.

"What's wrong with this?" You ask looking down at your outfit.

"Honey we're trying to impress the top sorority on campus, you want to look top tier." Hallie says fixing her makeup in the mirror.

"Maybe you're trying to impress them" You mumble as you go back to your room to change.

From your room you can hear Randy telling Hallie he's going and Hallie's groaning reaction.

You turn to leave you room with a new outfit on when something on your bed catches you eye.

It's a envelope with your name written in big black letters. You look around the room to make sure no one is there.

"Oh Y/n!" You hear Hallie call.

"What?" You ask, not really listening. Your attention was focused on the letter.

"I heard Derek's going to be at the party tonight."

"Ok.." You say opening the letter.

"I know he really likes you..."

'See you soon.' Is all the letter says.

"Y/n are you listening to me?" Hallie says sticking her head in through the doorway.

"Oh yeah um Derek." You say pushing the letter into your purse so Hallie doesn't see it.

"He wants you girl and honey Derek is next level hot." Hallie giggles.

"Yeah, I don't really know Derek-"

"You can think about it on the way." Hallie smiles grabbing your arm and rushing you and Randy out the door.

Randy, Hallie and you all make your way to the sorority party. The house is already packed and there is a campus security car making sure they don't cause to much of a disturbance.

Hallie has already spotted Derek and is making puppy eyes at him.

"Hallie, you know Derek probably likes you, right?" You ask quiet enough that no one over hears. "You always think he hangs out with us to get closer to me but I think it's you he wants to get closer with."

"I don't think so," Hallie says. "I mean maybe..."

"Just go for him."

"You wouldn't be upset?"

You scoff, "I never liked him to begin with, I never knew why you were always forcing him on me."

Hallie laughs, gives you a hug and then walks over to Derek.

"I'm going to go find-"

"Hey look who made it!" Mickey calls over to you interrupting Randy. "Say hi to the camera, I need at least one pretty face in the records." Mickey walks over carrying a camera.

You laugh and hide the blush in your cheeks from the camera. Mickey closes the camera and gives you a big hug.

"How are you?" He asks, getting serious. Ever since you had become close to Mickey, he was always over protective of you because of your past.

"Oh hey Meeks!" Mickey says noticing Randy standing there. "I saw some smoking hot chicks by the bar, single and ready to get it on buddy!"

Randy rolled his eyes. "I'm happy here thank you." He said. Randy always got this way around Mickey like he was trying to assert his place or something.

Mickey gave Randy a quick glance then turned back to you, "Anyways, bets are on for who passes out first, wanna get in on this actions?"

"It's definitely between sorority sister Murphy and sorority sister Lois." You said mimicking the sorority girls.

"You think if sorority sister Lois has to much to drink she'll have sex with me?" Mickey asks looking down at you, arm still around your shoulder.

"Mickey I'm pretty sure that's considered rape." You laugh, knowing he's only joking and would never do a thing like that.

Mickey was one of the nicest people you met at Woodsboro College, you had instantly become close.

"Y/n! Welcome!" Murphy and Lois exclaimed when they saw you, for some reason you had become their new target to induct into the sorority. Maybe because you were newly famous.

Mickey nudged your back with his arm and gave you a sarcastic look.

"Hi Murphy, Lois." You said forcing a smile back.

"I hope you're having a blast. Nice to see you Mickey." Lois gave Mickey a half smile. It was known Mickey wasn't too liked among the sororities after he broke the heart of sister Mary.

Sorority sister Mary had cheated on Mickey but no one believed that and he was made out to be the bad guy.

"If you need anything don't be afraid to ask one of our sisters, after all you are our honorary member!" Lois gave you a side hug then ran off to find someone.

"I didn't know you were a sorority sister." Mickey said grinning.

"I'm not, she's crazy." You sighed. "Let's never talk about this again.

"Look this party sucks. Wanna go get some tacos instead?" Mickey asked looking down at you.

Randy had wondered off somewhere, so now it was just you Mickey was talking to. 

"I probably should stay for Hallie, at least until Derek takes her home." You laughed.

"You really think there's something between them?" Mickey followed your gaze to where Hallie was laughing at something Derek had said.

"I mean yeah, she never shuts up about him." You see Hallie putting her hand on Derek's arm.

"Well, good. That means I have you all to myself." Mickey put his hands on the brick ledge and bent over a little bit so he was at eye length with you.

"Yeah, and what are you going to do with me?" You asked, playing along.

"I'm going to take you out for tacos!"

You laughed as Mickey grabbed your hand and started walking you to the front of the house. As the two of you reached the front something caught your eye.

A car. 

But you knew that car, from somewhere. Why was it so farmiliar.

Then you recognized the dent in the front.

Stu's car. 

Kill For You // Stu MacherWhere stories live. Discover now