S. 1 EP. 1 The Youtuber

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Jasper, Nevada

A peaceful quiet little desert town.

Julianna Harth walked out of school with her best friend since childhood Jack Darby. She was wearing a dark grey Evanescence T-shirt, baggy jeans, oversized light grey high tops with red and green stripes, and her signature white leather jacket with a red stripe flanked by two green stripes. Her raven hair was tied up in a ponytail.

As she and Jack talked about homework Miko and Raf ran up to talk as well.

"Hey guys." Julianna smiled.

"Hi Julie!" Raf smiled back

"Hey girl how's it going?" Miko asked

"I'm okay. Just..." She gripped her jacket. "Mom isn't doing so well. She's... developed some drinking problems." She sighed.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Jack put a hand on her shoulder. "You need any help at all you let me know, Jewels. Food, safe place to crash, shoulder to lean on. I know things haven't been easy since-."

"Yeah." Julie nodded solemnly.

"That has to be rough." Miko looked sad, her pigtails drooping.

A green military truck rolled up and honked and a yellow muscle car wasn't too far behind.

"That's my ride. We'll talk later Julie." Miko gave her a hug Julianna hugged her back.

"Bye Julie." Raf waved "I hope things get better for you."

She waved as the two ran off to their rides.

She walked with Jack to his motorcycle. "Hey Jack do you think you could give me a ride home. I need to get home before mom today or I'll be in trouble." She sighed.

"What happened to your huge truck?" Jack asked

"Had to put it in storage so mom couldn't sell it out from under me. She doesn't know where it is but at least it's safe." Julie replied

He looked at his motorcycle then gave her a small smile. "Yeah. I can give you a ride home today Julie."

She grinned. "Thanks Jack. You saved me an hour and a half of walking." She slung her book bag across her back then climbed on behind Jack. He started up his motorcycle and drove her home.

Julie got off the motorcycle "thanks again for the ride home. I appreciate it." She smiled

"No problem Julie. What are best buds for? I'll see you at school." He held out a fist for her.

She gave him a fist bump and waved to Jack as she walked up to her house and went inside.

Jack drove off and headed to work seeming to start talking to the motorcycle the moment that Julianna was no longer in earshot.

Julie rushed to her room and tossed her book bag on her futon bed and shut the door behind her. She sighed and took off her jacket and picked up the mask she used when she recorded games for youtube. It covered the upper half of her face but her eyes shone brightly through. She sat at her desk and placed the mask on and set everything up to begin her new lets play of amnesia: a machine for pigs.

On the walls were mounted a few band posters and several sets of razor sharp katanas and practice weapons. Her dad taught her how to fight with and without a blade. Since his passing the year before from bone cancer she continued exercising and practicing though not as much every day as she used to. She did youtube for a living and made good money off it and had quite a fan base developing. Though she wasn't sure how much longer she'd be able to live in this home. Her mother was beginning to be more and more resentful toward her.

Julianna shook negative thoughts from her head and settled down in her seat and began recording.

"Hello everyone! My name is illisium noir! And welcome to Let's Play! Amnesia: a machine for pigs." She began.

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