S. 2 EP. 18 Fallen Sick

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Julianna had checked out perfectly fine after her "god mode" incident as Miko now liked to refer to it. She had just drained her energy too quickly and over taxed herself. Wheeljack had taken her to her room and tucked her into her bed after she had nearly face-planted from exhaustion after Ratchet had let her go. 

She slept for over a day though the bots all took turns coming in and checking on her.

Nearly a week later she had seemed to be doing just fine until Wheeljack walked in her room one morning to find her laying on the floor with her face flushed and the rest of her looked very pale. She also had a bucket next to her head.

"Heya Sunshine." He said quietly while walking over toward her.

She groaned pitifully.

He placed one of his fingers against her forehead and she was burning up. He looked surprised and went to pick her up.

"Nooooooooo." She whined quietly. "Moving is bad." She swatted at his hand weakly.

"Come on Julie. We need to get you off the floor. That can't be good for you. I'm gonna take you to where you can be watched over." He coaxed. "Maybe June will be able to help ya."

"Then bring the bucket 'r else I might heave all over. An' that won't be fun for anyone."

"Alright, alright." He sighed gently picking her up. Making sure not to jostle the sick young woman too much. He also picked up the empty bucket. It had trash bags in it.

She gaged but thankfully didn't vomit... Yet.

He made a point to carefully and steadily carry her out to the main room and he set her down on the couch. On the way she told him what he should probably do. He handed her the bucket and she grabbed it from him quickly before upchucking the contents of her stomach into it.

When she finished she groaned and spat into the container.

"That is absolutely foul." She whined. "Being human sucks right now." She slowly put her bucket on the floor next to the couch then sank down.

"I'm sorry sweet spark. But I had to move ya. I'll be right back." He sighed and walked back off in the direction of her room.

Ratchet came over after Wheeljack's departure. "What seems to be the problem this week?" He asked going to scan her.

Julianna huffed "Stomach virus no doubt." She swatted at his hand. "Don't touch. I've moved enough already to stir up my stomach. I don't want to vomit again thank you." She grumbled and curled up on the couch shivering.

"I still think I should check you out."

"Ratchet. If I don't move. I'll be fine. Now shoo. Go work on somethin' else." She grumbled

Wheeljack came back in with one of her fluffy pillows and a blanket. He eyed ratchet before handing Julie the pillow and going to tuck the blanket around her.

"I called up Jack and had a quick chat with him before he went to school. He said it was best if we didn't poke at her too much Doc. Just leave her be until June and the kids get here."

Ratchet looked at Julianna who was cautiously sinking down onto the couch, stuffing the pillow behind her head and shoulders for the time being, then back at Wheeljack.

"She's my charge. I'll watch over her." Wheeljack assured the doctor.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I got this." He nodded.

"Alright then." Ratchet turned and walked away.

Julie closed her eyes and began to snooze. She heard three autobots return and cracked open her eyes a little as Bulkhead, Bee, and Arcee transformed and walked into the base over to Wheeljack.

"Jack said you called him, asking how to care for someone who's sick. Something wrong with Julie?" Arcee asked

"Yeah." He pointed at Julianna's cocooned form on the couch. "I called us both off of school today. Cross and the CP are out doing who knows what. Jamie is still reeling from everything."

"She doesn't look to good." Bulkhead stated

Bee beeped in agreement.

"I don't feel good at all." She mumbled

The day passed as she slept only after the bots left to pick up Raf, Miko, and Jack did she wake.

"Where'd 'ery one go?" She yawned.

"Out to get the kids." Wheeljack replied

"Oh." She pulled the blankets up around her chin more.

She zoned out falling back to sleep for a while until she felt someone's cold hand on her forehead. She cracked open her eyes and smiled up at Jack.

"Hey there buddy." He smiled back at her. "How you feeling?" Jack sat carefully on the edge of the couch.

"Not so good. Can we watch Home, Jack? Where's Jamie and the others"

He chuckled. "Jamie and the rest of the CP are at work. We'll watch anything you want after you get something to drink."

"Okay." She nodded a little.

Jack took care of Julianna and eventually she ended up huddled up against his side as they watched movies. She fell asleep against him but Jack didn't mind it. She was like his big sister and he wanted to help her feel better.

Wheeljack looked between Julie and Jack with a hint of jealousy in his optics. He'd began getting more and more of these jealousy pangs ever since she had transformed. Especially when Max or Jack interacted with Julie, it was confusing and frustrating. He had no real reason to be jealous. She wasn't interested in those two.

Bulkhead looked at his friend "You okay Jackie?" He asked placing a servo on the other's shoulder.

Wheeljack brought his attention to Bulkhead. "yeah. yeah. I'm fine. Nothin's wrong." He brushed off bulkhead's servo and went to go work on the Jackhammer while he fumed.

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