S. 1 EP. 16 Criss Cross

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Several days later Julie was back to hanging out with Jamie on his second to last day in Nevada. Jack was grounded and stuck at home but the two were coming over from a video shoot by the spillway for dinner because June invited the twins over. June always looked out for the twins, especially after their father died, she had no love for their monster of a mother. Everyone in Jasper knew she was a drunk and was indulging in harder and harder drugs. So to counteract this influence June looked after Julie and when he was around Jamie as well.

"Heya Jackaroo!" Julie waved as she walked up the driveway.

Jack had a package in his hands and turned around to look at them.

"Hey guys. What's up? Mom invite you over?" Jack asked

"Free food is free food man." Jamie laughed

"Even if it has tofu." Julie grinned "where is she?"

"Not home yet." Jack shrugged

"Eh if worse comes to worse we'll just crash on your couch again." Julie said

"I don't think mom will mind." Jack chuckled and shook his head.

The teen looked down to the envelope in his hands and tore it open and dumped the contents onto the desk in the garage.

A green and black communicator pad beeped and squealed.

Julie immediately walked over, Jamie hot on her heels.

::Hello, Jack.::

Julie's heart dropped into her stomach and Arcee transformed behind the three.

"Silas." Arcee growled

"Woah!" Jamie jumped and looked up at the giant robot lady.

"What is it? W-what's going on?" Jack asked looking at the cybertronian femme.

"Mech." Arcee growled

"They know where I live?!"


::And Julianna. Enjoying your new tattoo?:: Silas asked

"Fuck you prick!" Julie snapped

::As for mister Darby, we know things about your family that even you don't know.::

Julie seethed and Jamie was looking between the robot, his sister and their childhood friend. What the hell was going on here?

Silas didn't allow time for any interruptions ::For example, do you know where your mother is?::

"What did you-" Jack was horrified, his voice shaking

::Understand, Jack, we have no intention of hurting her. In fact, we'd like to reunite the two of you as soon as possible. I just need you, your two friends and Arcee to follow the GPS coordinates programmed into this communicator. They'll lead you to the temporary facility I've set up.::

Julie grit her teeth "You son of a bitch stay away from my brother!"

::Just as fiery as Thomas I see. He was quite the GI Joe. It was unfortunate what happened to him.::

"Don't talk about him, Bastard!" Julie screamed at the communication unit.

"This guy knew dad? GI Joe? What's going on Julie?" Jamie demanded tugging on his sister's backpack as her grip cracked the wood of the desk.

Arcee turned to muffle her voice while trying to get ahold of the base "Ratchet?" A splitting headache exploded in her processor and she screamed in agony

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