S. 1 EP. 4 Oh Dear Primus! Its a Scraplet!

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It has been nearly a month and a half since Julianna's arrival among the autobots and her bruising is mostly gone. She was back to her usual activities with only slight discomfort. Though she did most of her youtube stuff at home she worked out and trained at the autobot base to pass time. She kept her practice swords at the base under the couch.

That particular day Bumblebee and Bulkhead had come back from the arctic with some odd object in a block of ice.

Bulkhead sighed. "I told you, doc, we're fine." He pulled a wire from his chest.

"The only way to be certain you're fine, Bulkhead, is to endure standard defrosting procedure.You know prolonged exposure to sub-zero conditions can cause permanent system damage." Ratchet scolded.

-Some time later in the morning-

Arcee and Optimus were preparing to go back to the arctic to find out about the mystery object when Bulkhead and bumblebee zoomed back into base with the kids.

"Miss us, doc bot?" Miko grinned at Ratchet as she hopped out of the passenger seat. Julie hopped out of the drivers side and bulkhead transformed.

The medic groaned "Shouldn't they be in school?"

"On Saturday? We have the whole weekend off to spend with you." The Japanese girl bounced a little as she teased Ratchet. The medic groaned.

"I wasn't expecting to carpool." Jack looked over at Arcee "What gives, Arcee?"

"Tag team, Jack. It's my turn for exploration duty."

"Oh, too bad. It's a beautiful day for a ride. Would hate for you to feel guilty for leaving me indoors." He tried to guilt her into letting him come along with her.

"Arctic exploration duty." Arcee elaborated.

"Indoors where it's warm." Jack pointed inward and started walking for their hang out area. Julianna snickered and followed after him with a somewhat sleepy look on her face.

"The arctic? I've always wanted to see snow." Raf said in wonder.

"I would invite you to join, Rafael, but the conditions are much too extreme, even for we autobots." Optimus told the boy.

"I understand." He replied sounding a little disappointed.

"But I will bring you back a snowball." Optimus reassured him.

"That would be awesome." Raf gave a smile.

Julie dug her practice blades out from under the couch then went and somewhat flopped in a bungee chair as she watched Optimus and Arcee disappear through the ground bridge. She looked at the others as they walked toward her hearing Ratchet curse about something over on the other side of the room.

"So, what do you guys think we should do today?" Miko asked eagerly.

Bumblebee beeped and whirred his response and Raf translated excitedly. "Video game tournament! Last one standing wins!"

Ratchet called the other bots over and bee gave a disgruntled whine.

"Prepare to be destroyed." Miko said snagging the controller away from Raf's fingers and shoving it into Jack's hands.

"Yeah, not really my thing, Miko." Jack groaned

"Oh? Scared of losing? To a girl?" Miko taunted. Jack sighed and took the controller.

"Bring it!"

"No mercy."

"You know I can thrash both of you right?" Julie glanced over at the two.

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