S. 1 EP. 20 Devil's Awakening Pt 3

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(Not much of Julie here. She's busy having an existential crisis. But it's an important chapter nonetheless.)

The Autobots helped Optimus back into the base, supporting the weakened Prime.

"Easy, Optimus. From the looks of things, you've been exposed to a massive amount of Dark Energon." Ratchet said with concern.

Optimus looked at the two gurneys, one with Raf trying to recover and the other with Julie huddled into a ball the Metallica t-shirt had been pulled on over her clothes with the blanket pulled tight around her and up over her head so she couldn't be seen.

"I am not the only one." The Prime said as he was sat down next to the two.

Raf smiled up at him. "Hey."

June stomped over after finishing her check on Julie. She put her hands on her hips as she looked up at the Prime. "They are lucky to be alive."

"Megatron found more of the dark stuff?" Jack asked walking down the stairs from the kid's hangout area.

"A volcano full." Arcee confirmed

"The question is, how?" Bulkhead said

"No." Ratchet shook his head. "The question is, 'what?' As in, what in the world is the blood of Unicron doing here on Earth?"

"The 'Cons killed a Unicorn?" Miko looked around confused

The bots looked at her very clearly not understanding what she meant.

"White horse with a horn on its head?" Miko mimed a horn on her forehead "Prances around all sparkly?" She ended the statement with jazz hands.

Ratchet shook off the dumbfounded look on his face before correcting the girl. "Unicron- an ancient evil whose fossilized blood comprises the matter which we call Dark Energon, as legend would have it."

"So, you're saying this Unicron is some kind of boogeyman?" June asked.

"Boogeyman?" Ratchet looked to Miko for an explanation.

"Make-believe creepy guy who hides in your closet." Miko provided the information instantly.

"No, nurse Darby. Unicron is very real. Was. That is, while I do believe he once existed. I just don't subscribe to the theory that his primordial life force is the substance which harmed Raf and Julie." Ratchet floundered. He didn't quite know how to vocalize his beliefs in this context.

"I've heard enough." June cut the medic off.

Optimus stood looking conflicted and sad. "June, it deeply grieves me that I have failed. But I will do everything in my power to ensure that no harm comes to our human friends or any human ever again."

The woman turned on him next. "Optimus, they're children. They should be worrying about grades, prom dates, pimples. Not their own survival!"

Jack got between them. "Mom, Julie was already worried about her survival every day, even before she was brought here. And Dark Energon is pouring out of the earth. It doesn't do that. This could be about everyone's survival, not just ours."

"I am very much aware of that. I saw something when Julie grabbed my wrist. Something is waking up and it will destroy this planet if you all don't fix this." June snapped.

"Wait. You saw something! Mom, what did you see?" Jack grabbed her arms.

"I don't know... It felt too real to be a hallucination. From the sound of it this Unicron thing is real." June hugged herself before looking up at Optimus sternly "and something tells me you're the only one who can fix it."

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