S. 2 Ep. 21 A Secret Wedding

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Breakdown was sitting on a large rock in the location Spitfire had sent him, waiting for her to show up. It had been so long since he'd seen her. He'd been afraid that she'd died in the temple and he hadn't been able to find her body because the access to the lower levels had been under the heaviest portions of the rubble.

A branch snapped behind him and the big blue mech whirled around, expecting a fight. He froze when he spotted the orange of familiar optics and his body relaxed.


"Breakdown" Spitfire ran over and hugged him tight.

He hugged her back tight then felt her hands come up to frame his face.

"Look at what they did to you... I am so sorry I wasn't there sooner. I saw you fighting Bulkhead and went to hide and- when I came back both of you were gone. I assumed you went back to wherever it is that you stay-"

"It's okay." Breakdown put a hand over hers. "It's not your fault. I thought- what happened?"

"You thought I was dead? We took in refugees from the war. Autobot, Decepticon... it made no difference to us. They were all children of Primus. The local authorities didn't particularly care for our stance of neutrality and attempted to force us to give up our refugees when we refused, they attacked. We evacuated the refugees and Gyro... died making sure we got away safely."

"I found him... I gave him a proper burial."

"Thank you. I still miss my dog. But to know you honored him like that gives me closure."

"Come with me. We can finally be together without restrictions or repercussions." Breakdown grabbed her hands and held them over his spark.

"I want to, Breakdown. I really do. But I can't. I have to think of my sister." She replied saddened.

"After all this time I still love you." He admitted.

"I love you too, Breakdown. But it's been so long, so much has happened."

"Then let me court you. Give me a chance. Please. What must I do?"

"I will not be second fiddle to anyone else in your life. I must be your first priority, always."

"I wanted to fight for a word where we could be together and that I could provide for you without having to struggle for survival. From the moment I first saw you, all I ever wanted was you. No one else."

"My darling... that is all I need to hear."

Spitfire pulled Breakdown into a kiss and he froze as he processed what was happening then eagerly kissed her back.

Over the next year, Breakdown would escape whenever he had any meaningful measure of free time to spend it with Spitfire. Even assisting in the rebuilding of their base after Unicron awakened. Then one day as Breakdown and Spitfire were out scouting for energon they happened across a large field of wild flowers.

"Hey Uh... Spitfire?" The Blue mech looked to her nervously.

"Yes, Breakdown?" She smiled up at him.

"Would you be my Conjunx Endura?" He asked

"Yes, yes of course!" She hugged him excitedly.

He smiled completely elated and kissed her fiercely.

When they parted Spitfire seemed thoughtful

"What's wrong?"

"Who would officiate the Ritus? There aren't many left capable of performing it because of the war. The only one I could think of would be the Prime..." Spitfire trailed off

"That is a concern. I doubt he'd help us... I have an idea. The humans have a similar but more simple ritual called a wedding. We could use our holoforms and use that ceremony as a placeholder until we manage to get off world. Velocitron wasn't hit quite as bad with the war. Their weird culture kinda kept the fighting on the race tracks."

"This could work." Spitfire nodded. "Let's do it. I want to be with you always."

Several days later Spitfire, Breakdown and Echo were parked outside a little building in Las Vegas.

Breakdown's holoform was about 5'10 with dark hair, tan skin and brown eyes and he was wearing a dark blue suit.

Spitfire's holoform was about 5'7 with red soft curling hair, pale freckled skin and green eyes. She was wearing a beautiful white dress with red accents and beading.

Echo was a short little thing at 5' with pale skin, blue hair and green eyes. She wore a blue dress and was carrying a bouquet of flowers which she handed Spitfire.

"Here. I heard this was part of the human tradition." Echo smiled

"Thank you, sister." Spitfire smiled

The three walked inside together not noticing a dark clad man with sunglasses and a mask entering behind them and taking a seat at the back of the building to watch silently.

The ceremony was small and fast, Breakdown and Spitfire shared their vows and Echo gifted them the little bands of gold for their holoforms.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"

Breakdown pulled Spitfire against his chest and kissed her. She smiled as she kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck.

After they left, Breakdown put the wedding band on a small chain and hung it from his rear view mirror before deactivating his holoform. The three drove out of the city and to a secluded area, they transformed and were happily talking when a ground bridge suddenly popped up in front of them.

"What who's ground bridge?" Spitfire asked

"I didn't call for ours..." Echo hid behind Spitfire and Breakdown.

"I didn't call for one either." Breakdown said as his guard went up.

Soundwave walked out of the bridge by himself.

"Soundwave sir!" Breakdown got anxious "I can explain."

An image of Breakdown and Spitfire exchanging vows popped up on his visor and the blue mech immediately went silent.

"What do you want with us?" Spitfire clung to Breakdown.

Soundwave walked over to Echo.

"Don't touch her!" Spitfire exclaimed

Echo looked up at him terrified, the spymaster's back was to Breakdown and Spitfire as he reached up and took the visor off his face.

All the tension left Echo's body in an instant and she gawked up at Soundwave in disbelief.


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