S. 1 EP. 18 Devil's Awakening

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It was a solid three weeks before Julie returned to Jasper and the Autobots. And her reception back was warm and inviting, just like coming home.

However, Ratchet was a stick in the mud. Julie hardly got to do anything after she was done doing her homework and recording videos for the day. She'd send the videos off to her editor Ellis in another state and then was stuck with her official guardian Ratchet.

Her acute boredom was how the medic discovered her affinity for engineering and learning new things when he found her tearing apart a computer and rebuilding it. As long as he kept the task interesting or with the promise of a food based reward she'd do whatever task he gave her. To his chagrin he had begun to avoid the particularly more boring tasks because those demanded higher motivational incentive of which Ratchet was not equipped to handle. She often sang during those assignments and while her voice was beautiful she tended to act more like a bird than a human purposely trying to annoy him to amuse herself while she worked. And much to his delight she picked up language quickly enough, he had her reading simple Cybertronian youngling tales in a matter of days. She did not like them. "Eaten by giant space monster" was not a satisfying ending and that was how they all ended.

Julie was currently sitting on the couch reading more of the awful stories as the Autobots gathered around the main console.

"And it was written in the covenant of Primus that when the 47 spheres align, a perpetual conflict will culminate upon a world forged from chaos, and the weak shall perish in the shadow of a rising darkness." Optimus spoke.

Julie looked up from a story that was boring her to tears with complete interest.

"No skies raining fire?" Arcee asked

"Goes without saying. It is a doom prophecy, after all." Ratchet looked at them.

Bulkhead scoffed "I say it's a load of hooey."

The old medic shook his head. "I'd always assumed the ancients were referring to our home planet, but being that Cybertron has been dark for eons..."

"And considering what has befallen this planet since Megatron's arrival here..." Optimus added

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We've known about these superstitions for ages and never gave them a second thought." Bulkhead commented

Arcee put her hands on her hips. "Why all the ominous rumblings now?"

"Because the planetary alignment to which the prophecy refers is nearly upon us." The Prime replied

"And it would seem its end point...Is earth." Ratchet finished

"Uh...Crazy coincidence, heh, r-right?" Bulkhead said anxiously

"How long are we talking?" Arcee's hands dropped to her sides as she got closer to the screens taking things more seriously.

"A few days at most." Ratchet glanced at them before looking over at Julie, worried.

"However unsettling this revelation may be, I am more concerned about those who might believe that the prophecy speaks to them alone." Optimus stated, continuing to stare at the information presented.

"Optimus..." Julie put down the tablet and sat on her knees, her elbows resting on the back of the couch.


"Is this anything like the prophecy that those femmes told us about?" Julie asked

"A prophecy? You never mentioned a prophecy before." Ratchet said

"Yeah. These two neutral femmes told us a missing prophecy from the book thing you guys are talking about." Julie stated she cleared her voice to begin reciting it from her memory. "When all hope for cybertron seems lost and there is no way left to revive the dead world. Seek out the First Daughter of Primus. For she will be the key to your salvation. Bring her to the well and the four will awaken. A hard choice must be made and a risk must be taken."

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